Author Journey: February 9, 2024 - Where In the World...?

 Welcome to the scenic route! If you're a die-hard follower of this blog, I need to apologize. It might be long, but I don't know. I'm just going to write and see what happens. 

Author Journey: Nothing Much Happening Here, But...

There's been a spot of good news. Even though my hope of working through Surge one more time this month hasn't happened, all is not lost. 

I got a call from the little private school not too far from where I live. They'd like me to read part of my story again this year for their Read Across America Day celebration...extravaganza...thing. I'm looking forward to it and wondering what I could wear to this one. I have an idea, but I'll need to put a costume together...which I haven't done in so long. I've been wanting to put this costume together for a /long/ time but never had a reason. So I think that'll jump start me out of this slimy pit I seem to have fallen into. 

But as far as actual writing, yeah, nothing there. I've been dry as a bone when it comes to the written word. I thought I was burnt out before! Nah. Seems like I hit that in January. I'd blame it on the holidays throwing a curve ball at me, but I don't think that's accurate. 

Writer's Life: So Here's the Deal...

If you kept up with the blog at all last year from around August through December, then you know my mom had a serious health scare. She's doing much better now, but I think that was the push to overwhelm for me. I don't deal well with change when it's good, or even neutral. But when it's bad? Aye yai yai! It's like I had a complete mental meltdown. 

Then as I wrapped presents for Christmas, I managed to pop my ankle. I should say I probably sprained it, but it wasn't really hurting so much as just uncomfortable. In early January, I squatted down to pick something up off the floor and that did the ankle in. I was confined to the couch for a week. Not a great thing. While I did get a lot of reading done, and I could very well have written or edited something...anything...I did not. It's like the very thought of how much I want to accomplish seemed like Everest compared to the placid lake of reading for fun or playing puzzle games on my phone. 

So now that I'm seeing this downward slide and not at all liking it, I've been trying to figure out ways to kick myself out of the Stanky Nest of Stagnation. Yup. Stanky. And I think I have to thank Mrs. Chastity of the little private school for the nudge that spurred me on. I'd already determined I needed to get back to work, but it was just to Do It. 

It's also been established that I'm now my mom's bolster for doctor visits. We had to find a new PCM for both her and my dad. We like the new one and are sad to not be able to see the old one much anymore. We really liked her a lot and she helped my parents so much. Now that I'm going with my mom to those visits, it eats into my schedule in odd ways. While it's not the most fun thing, I'm happy I can do that for her. It makes her a little more comfortable knowing either me or my sister are there. 

So here I am, apologizing for taking so long to get back to you guys and the blog. I think for a bit, I may only post on Fridays to ease myself back into it, but don't be surprised if I change my mind. Now that I have a sewing project as a goal, I can't wait to get that completed. 

Stick around! I'm not sure what the next Friday post will bring, but I'll do my best to make it good. 

Until next time,
Turn the page...


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