A Little Progress is Better Than None
Welcome to the scenic route! I've got an update to share with you today. It'll be quick because today's schedule is packed.
Author's Journey: Nano 2024 Progress Report
As you can see by the screenshots that follow, I'm not making a ton of progress on this year's project. I don't know if it's the fact that so many changes happened since 2020, both in my own life and in the world around me, or if it's just the fact that I'm overwhelmed with new activities that's keeping me from getting into the writing groove. I wish I could nail that down...
As you can see, since Tuesday at least, I haven't typed a single word. My new daily word count goal is over 2k. It's still doable...if the words come. I've done as much as 5k in a day. But those were the early days of writing, when story ideas flowed like refreshing stream. Still, I'll keep at it. Who knows? Inspiration may strike at strange times. I just hope it's not at 2:30 in the morning.
Writer's Life: Here's What's Happening
I'm getting into my new role as part of the worship team at my church. Singing is something I truly enjoy. If I could've made a living at it without sacrificing time with my family, I'd probably have given that a go. I'll take any opportunity to sing!
Tuesday, I worked at the polls. I'm happy to say that everyone who came through was as civil and courteous as always. We also had a really good turnout. It was a tiring day, but a good one since the flow of voters was fairly steady.
Spartacus is doing well. I'll have to see about getting a new photo to share with y'all. I haven't been able to get any really good ones lately.
Book Notes: Reviews, Currents, and TBRs
I'm working my way through a volume of sweet romances -- Just Kisses. I just finished one by B.E. Baker, which I will share below since I left a review. The second story in the collection is by Elana Johnson, one of my favorites for sweet romance, whether inspirational (as Liz Isaacson) or otherwise. It's my current read for today, The Day He Drove By.
On my TBR, I've added a book called Life Flight (Extreme Measures #1) by Lynette Eason. She really gets right to the action from the beginning. I read a little portion of it to see what it might be like and I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it when I get to it.
For my book review, I'll share the one I mentioned above by B.E. Baker. It's a short review, but hopefully it'll encourage the right people to check it out.

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Good plot, lovable characters that I wanted to see succeed, and a clean read made this book a win for me. The only read I gave it four stars was that in places, it moved a little slower than I like. But it didn’t ruin the story. If you enjoy interesting characters doing and saying all kinds of interesting things as they work their way toward love, then this might be a good fit for you.
View all my reviews
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