Book Notes: September 2022 - Contemporary Romance

 Welcome back, dear Reader! Today, I've got a couple of contemporary romance stories to share with you today. One is a military suspense romance and the other is a simple, sweet romance. I hope you'll see something in these that sparks your interest. 

Book Review: Returning to Eden (Acts of Valor #1) by Rebecca Hartt

Returning to Eden (Acts of Valor #1)Returning to Eden by Rebecca Hartt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Good Story!

I hadn't read any books by this author so I took a chance. I'm glad I did! It was good. Apart from a few spelling typos, the book was well-written. I'm interested in the characters and will definitely read more of her work. There is enough closure in this book to satisfy me, but for someone who hates cliffhangers, maybe not. The overarching plot that I assume spans the series is left with some loose ends. The faith element is well-balanced in this book, too.
If you enjoy inspirational, suspense romance series and you enjoy books with military characters, why not give this one a try?

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Book Review: Truth or Dare by Julie Coulter Bellon

Truth or DareTruth or Dare by Julie Coulter Bellon
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sweet, Clean Romance

This story was perfect for relaxing at the end of the day. It was easy to read and I found the characters likeable. It's short, but the author did a nice job showing the growth of the MCs and how their relationship progressed. I'd recommend this book to anyone looking for contemporary romance which is sweet and clean.

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Both of these stories came through for me. I liked the one by Rebecca Hartt best, but both had the perk of being a clean read with admirable heroes who are broken but healing and strong women who are equally feminine. Give them a try if you haven't read these authors yet or their books. Let me know what you think if/when you have. I'd love to hear your thoughts on them. 

Thank you all so much for reading today's post. I hope my book review posts are varied enough to encourage many people to read. I know I'm heavy on the romance when it comes to my own reading. 

But I've been trying to get back into reading some more fantasy. It's just hard to find true fantasy books that don't center around a female who couldn't find her own head while it was attached at the neck, or a storyline that doesn't focus on amorous relationships that are totally not admirable or honorable. On top of those problems, there's the issue of bad or no editing. It's difficult to read and enjoy a book when it sounds like I'm talking to an obstinate teen who has the smallest vocabulary and was never taught to double-check the spelling of words and the proper forms of colloquial phrases. 

Good books are out there. We just have to dig to find the gems among the slag. 

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