Book Notes: August 17, 2022 - Lacy Williams' Historical Romance

 Welcome back for another couple of book reviews! This week, I've got two books by Lacy Williams which come from her Wyoming Legacy: Wind River Hearts series. These are historical romances which include sweet stories with a beautiful touch of the faith element. Let me get to them!

Book Review: Winning the Schoolmarm: Wyoming Legacy (Wind River Hearts #14) by Lacy Williams

Winning the Schoolmarm: Wyoming Legacy (Wind River Hearts #14)Winning the Schoolmarm: Wyoming Legacy by Lacy Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Good, Sweet Romance

I enjoyed reading this book as much as I have the others in the series. The plot was interesting and the characters were well-crafted. The story is clean and the romance sweet. It's the perfect way to wind down at the end of a long day. If you enjoy sweet, historical romance, then I recommend this book.

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Book Review: The Wrangler's Ready-Made Family: Wyoming Legacy (Wind River Hearts #15) by Lacy Williams

The Wrangler's Ready-Made Family: Wyoming Legacy (Wind River Hearts #15)The Wrangler's Ready-Made Family: Wyoming Legacy by Lacy Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sweet and a Bit Different

This story took a couple character types which have been written before and put a new spin on them, creating a little different plot. I liked it! This book was clean, lightly inspirational, and while the heroine's backstory isn't so pretty, the romance is sweet. If you enjoy any of those things in a romance story, I'd recommend this book to you.

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These books, this series, has been a source of happy reading for me. I've read several.  Reading them in order isn't necessary, since they're all stand-alone novels or novellas. That makes it a happy buying experience for me. I don't feel pressured to buy more of them immediately just to get to the end of a long, drawn out story. 

While the books center around a rather large family, it's not the traditional sort of family you usually see in a historical romance focused on the American west. The second book I've shared in this post held a special place in my heart. I grieved with the older sister when the younger sister made unwise choices and suffered for them. Something similar has happened to me in my own life, so that was extremely relatable to me. 

Why are some people happy to learn from the mistakes of others, while another group of people just won't believe it until they experience it? But then, the world would be a boring place if we all tackled life the same way. 

Thank you so much for stopping by to see what I've been reading and what I think of what I've been reading. I hope you'll see something which interests you. If not, come back next week and I'll have another two book reviews for you to check out. 

On Friday, I'll have an update of what's going on in my writing journey and how our kittens are doing. I haven't been able to post a video in a while, but maybe this week will work out for that. 

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