Author Journey: July 1, 2022 - A Major Hurdle Cleared
Welcome back, Dear Readers! I am so happy to be able to share good news with you today. I also have a kitten update for you...a video this time. I'm going to cut straight to the chase.
Author Journey: Let the Publishing Process Begin!
Yep. You read that correctly. I'm ready to start the publishing process on The Tale of Outh'n Durr. Once I complete the copyright registration process today, I'll be able to really get the ball rolling on that.
I'm excited, y'all! It's been almost four years since I published Ripples. You've waited so long and I appreciate your patience and support during my struggle to just get on with it. I'll keep you posted on the release dates.
Camp Nano starts today! Yep. I'm going to be doing a content edit on Surge. Please keep me in your prayers this month. I want to keep up this momentum. My ultimate goal is what it always was -- to create quality fantasy books which star heroes and heroines one can believe in and find inspiring.
Writer's Life: Kitten Update
Our little bumbles are now about 3 months old. They're doing pretty well, except Spartacus has been a little more vicious lately. His play has gotten out of hand twice and he scared Dusk at least once. I'm not sure what's going on there, if he's just adjusting to moving into a new phase of growth or what. I guess I need to do a little research.
Otherwise, it's been nice to get into a routine with them and have them join me while they nap and I work on my computer.
I do have a video. It's a little longer than usual and I really want to get this post out. I'm going to put it up at YouTube and then edit this post. If you'll bear with me for that, I'd appreciate it.
Update: Here's that video! :)
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to follow my writing journey. I don't think I'll be able to afford to put out hard copies of my books. Inflation has pretty much guaranteed that'll create a serious hardship for my family.
But I can put out ebooks. I hope this won't be too terrible a thing for my readers. It's a great disappointment to me, but sometimes, we don't get to do what we'd like to do. That's just life.
Please come back on Wednesday to see what I've been reading and check out a couple more book reviews. I hope you'll see something which interests you.
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