Author Journey: June 10, 2022 - Editing and Kitten Updates

 Welcome back! I'm happy to report that things are looking up in my writing journey. The kittens seem to be thriving, too, and we are settling into the new routine. 

Author Journey: Writing Update on The Tale of Outh'n Durr

Rejoice with me! I've made it to chapter twelve of The Tale of Outh'n Durr. The editing isn't horrible. I've changed the wording in a few places. A few sentences needed to be added to make the word picture clearer in a couple places. Overall, though, I'm encouraged. Granted, this is just the 'overall' edit. 

Pro Writing Aid actually breaks down everything a writer who's editing and proofreading needs to look for into several categories. That way, you can tackle each one. The program also gives you a technical readout sheet which 'grades' you on each section so you can see where your work is struggling most and focus your effort there. I am so glad I was able to purchase the program. It's pricey, but worth every penny. 

Also, I'm not an affiliate. If you click the link in this post, I won't earn anything. But why would I keep such a wonderful resource from people if it's so helpful? 

Sometimes I have to shake my head at the greediness of others. There are things you should be happy to charge for and then there are things that should be no-brainers when it comes to giving them away. *shrugs* I guess that's just one person's opinion, though. 

Writer's Life: Kitten Update

The kittens have been having fun exploring the house over the past week. We've let them out of the kennel more often and they seem to be adapting well. 

So far, they've pulled a few strings on two pairs of my nicer jeans. They've discovered the edges of my nicest rug are fraying and decided they must help it along. No dust bunny is safe as they explore nooks I can't even access with my broom. 

This, of course, means I have to keep my breathing aids handy. (I fight a dust mite allergy. *shrugs* It is what it is.) I've also made peace with being used as a cat tower. These kittens really crack me up. They also have a calming effect on me I can't really explain, especially since they are so very energetic and springy. 

Here's a cute little playtime video for y'all. 

See? Don't they just make you smile?

Thanks for stopping by today! I hope something in this post made you smile or encouraged you. 

Next Wednesday, I'll share a couple more book reviews with you. 

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