Author Journey: May 6, 2022 - When Life Hijacks Your Writing Plans
Welcome back! Today has been cat-sitting day. Read on to find out more.
Author Journey: That's Just Life
My youngest rescued one of three kittens this morning. My sister found the momma cat dead in the road when she was on her way to work. We figure the momma cat was probably hunting rats. That particular farm cat had been with us for probably 8 - 10 years. She came up to our home as a stray, survived two snake bites, and I knew she was probably coming to the end of her time with us. Still it's hard. And the fact we lost two of the kittens doesn't make it easier.
So we have this one little pale orange ball of fluff who still needs to be bottle fed for at least another week, and we're leaving for a family reunion in four days. We're hoping a friend of ours, who has a cat with new kittens, will accept this little one. He's so determined to actually nurse and doesn't much like the bottle, though he's not opposed to the formula when he licks it off of a surface.
Right now, Spartacus is asleep and we are praying for a solution which is happy for everyone. Oh, and if you were wondering, my husband named him. He doesn't usually get very involved with the farm animals. So this was a big deal, at least, it was to me.
As you can probably guess, I don't have much to update you on concerning any of my writing projects. I've been gardening most of this week, repotting some seedlings, and trying to make sure weeds aren't taking over the garden plot. In the middle of all that, we've been doing a lot more work with our church and a whole lot more studying on our own. Life has been more busy than usual. Or maybe it's busy in a different way and I'm just struggling to get settled into the new rhythm. Either way, the struggle is real.
God is good, though, and He gives me strength, hope, and a good purpose.
Thanks so much for reading my blog. I hope to have better news for you in next Friday's post.
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