Author Journey: May 13, 2022 - What's Been Happening

Welcome back! I promised an update on our kitten troubles. I'm blogging on my phone today so please bear with the different graphics. Read on! 

Author Journey - No Progress

There's actually no progress to report. We've been driving a lot of places and doing lots of things outside our home. It just hasn't afforded me much time for writing work. 

Author's Life - The Kitten Rescue Project

The kitten, whose name is Spartacus (courtesy of my clever husband), is being cared for by a surrogate mother cat. Our friend's cat had kittens recently and seems to be a conscientious, caring momma. 

The following day, I was tending my herb pots and heard more meowing. We were happy to discover Spartacus' two litter mates. We brought them to the same momma cat and she seems to have taken them as well. 

I don't have a picture of all of them, but I've got a cute video of Spartacus with my youngest daughter after we'd given him a quick water bath to remove all the mud. This was just before we sent him to his new momma. Enjoy!

There is a bit of sad news. Since I started putting this post together, we found out that the smallest gray kitten didn't make it. We think it had some kind of respiratory trouble. The larger gray one, which my youngest has dubbed Simon, is doing well, as is Spartacus. Check them out, looking up at the camera!

Aren't they just too cute? We look forward to them coming home soon. 

Thanks so much for reading today's post. I'm sorry it's late but we had a lovely visit with our family. And I tried posting from my phone but it wasn't working out too well. 

I should have the Wednesday book reviews out on time. If not, I'll try to put up a combo post on Friday. 

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