Author Journey: April 29, 2022 - Writing for a Specific Cause
Welcome back! I have some exciting news today! I'm writing for a specific cause and I can't wait to tell you about it. But before that, I'll give you an update on Outh'n's story and where I am with that.
Author Journey: Writing Update
Outh'n's story hasn't progressed much further. Between getting our garden in and going back and forth to church, I'm exhausted. I am planning to start a last run through to check for consistency in spelling new words and that sort of thing. Everything is coming to the final stages and I'm so close to finishing The Tale of Outh'n Durr I can practically hold it in my hands in its complete form. Please keep praying for me to hold onto my determination.
Author Journey: #writerslife
A couple of exciting things are in the works, one more exciting than the other. First, I planted my herb pots today. I'm really looking forward to using fresh herbs from my garden. It'll be so fantastic to just snip a bit of parsley or basil from my own pots to add to my cooking. Now, if only our cats will leave the pots alone... Any suggestions?
The second exciting thing is that I'm composing again. Our church has started the planning process for Vacation Bible School, a fun time of learning about the Bible, for kids. We try to host one every summer and only missed during 2020, I think, because of the lockdowns. This year, we're trying a new curriculum and no one was very impressed with the music which came with it. I sat down yesterday and today and jotted down a couple of tunes we might be able to try out with the kids. The director of the program gave me the go-ahead to give it a try. We'll see what happens.
One of the more bittersweet things taking some of my time is spring cleaning. We've tried to tackle some of the major projects around the house which we weren't able to get to while my husband was working. Now that he's home full time, we can knock out those projects and start making some order out of the general chaos. I'm excited about that, but it always sets off my allergies...bittersweet.
All the getting up and moving around has been good for me, but it's also shown me how terribly out of shape I am. I'm not going to start running or lifting weights or doing Pilates. But I am going to do my best to get out into our garden and help my dad with it. The sun, fresh air, and exercise will do me a world of good.
All the above activities are the reason my blog post is late today. But at least I'm getting it out there. I'm counting that as a win. I need to count up all the wins I can to keep my spirits up. Sleep still comes in fits and starts, but I think I've figured out a little of what's going on. I'm hoping so, anyway, and hoping I'll be bouncing back to my usual tenacity and drive where writing is concerned.
What new things are you trying in your writing? If you don't write, what new things are you trying in your current hobbies or career? I'd love to hear from you in the comments below.
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