Book Notes: February 23, 2022 - Read-Aloud Romance
Welcome back! I know I've got your attention now. Or at least, I'm pretty sure I do. :) You did read that correctly. I sometimes read aloud while we are traveling. I have to be careful which book I choose because I have been known to read people to sleep. Curious? Read on!
Book Review: In Want of a Wife: A Sweet Romantic Comedy by Shanae Johnson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
5 Stars But....
This book made me laugh. Out loud. Uproariously. I read half of it aloud to my husband while we were traveling. We both laughed so much and really enjoyed how the plot unfolded. Collin is The Man. His character was so unusual, so quirky, and I just couldn't wait to see what he'd say or do next. I don't know if I'll read the rest of the series, but this one was worth my time and my husband's.
Now, getting to the issues. The book needs a good proofreading. There were several typos, incorrect words, fluff words, etc. Some were truly bad and would annoy sticklers. However, if you can get past that, and I recommend you try if you enjoy clean contemporary romance, I think you'll love the plot, too.
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Book Review: Honor Respect Devotion (Dangerous #5) by Linda K. Rodante

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Excellent Story!
Heavy topics are not a problem for this author. She tackles them with grace, knowledge, and integrity. And she's right to bring these up, right in what she talked about in this story. From the various attitudes and opinions of the church members, to the reactions and thoughts of the hero and heroine, Mrs. Rodante hit the target with this book.
If you're looking for a faith-filled suspense romance, this may be just the thing.
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Both these books are excellent to read aloud, as long as your kids are teens or older. They are clean novels, but the topics discussed or the dialog match the target audience well. Littles won't catch on to the humor in the first book and my hope is that your littles haven't yet come up against the things the couple in the second book struggle with.
Regarding book one, I've never read a book with a hero who could be in the special needs category. He was my absolute favorite character. My heart really went out to him, as well as the heroine, as they tried to figure out what the other was trying to say. The process sometimes produced laughter. Sometimes, I just wanted to sob in frustration. That's the sign of a good storyteller.
Also, In Want of a Wife had me second-guessing my own wisdom in choosing a Pride & Prejudice spin-off. Most of the time, I hate those kinds of things. But in this case, the story was different enough that it won me over. The names threw me off a bit, though. Not many Texans with the first name 'Fitzwilliam'... I kinda want to read the other stories, but I'm biding my time. Rom-coms aren't usually on my TBR list, but sometimes you just need a pick-me-up. Know what I mean?
Honor, Respect, Devotion is a totally different book. It's a supsense romance that tackles the extremely taboo topic of sex/porn addiction. Definitely do not read this one with your littles. I love the way this author just goes after all the demons that try to defeat Christians who are working to live as Christ wants us to live. Spiritual warfare is definitely a thing and Linda K Rodante is a spiritual warrior. She encourages me to keep pressing on and fight the good fight of faith.
Thanks for stopping by today! Until next time...
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