Book Notes: January 26, 2022 - Shanae Johnson

 Welcome back! Today I have two contemporary sweet romances to share with you. I got the first one free through an email newsletter. I have a bit to say about these, but let me share my reviews with you first. 

Book Review: His Pledge to Honor (The Silver Star Ranch #1) by Shanae Johnson

His Pledge to Honor  (The Silver Star Ranch #1)His Pledge to Honor by Shanae Johnson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sweet Story with Nifty Characters

This story was truly enjoyable. The characters were interesting and I found them relatable in a few ways. I love the way the plot unfolded and am interested in reading more. The few typos were what took away 3/4 of a star.
If you enjoy sweet romance, then you should give this book a try.

View all my reviews

Book Review: His Pledge to Cherish (The Silver Star Ranch #2) by Shanae Johnson

His Pledge to Cherish (The Silver Star Ranch #2)His Pledge to Cherish by Shanae Johnson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A Beautiful Plot

I'm really enjoying this series. The few things I've noticed that seemed odd haven't really detracted from my desire to know more about these characters. The timeline threw me off in this book. There were also a few odd words used when there were lots more options which would've given me a better picture of what was going on. Overall, though, this book was a sweet, clean romance with an interesting topic. If you enjoy sweet, clean romance, then I recommend this book to you.

View all my reviews

This series has intrigued me. That's more because the characters are interesting to me, rather than any kind of epic storyline or new twist on a trope. This just goes to show if you write one portion of a book very well, your stories will appeal to someone out there. 

I found these so outlandish in some ways. I won't give away things you won't find in the blurb. I can tell you this is a story of a father matchmaking from the grave. I can also tell you, I'd have balked hard if I was in these ladies' shoes. The author says these ladies are strong-willed and as short as these books are, we don't get to see a lot of that, at least not up to the point of book two. 

I found the second book to be much sweeter than the first. This one touches on abuse, so I want to put that out there for those who may need a trigger warning. I thought it was handled well in relation to the sweet romance genre and it really pulled on my heartstrings. 

I will read more of this series as I'm able. I downloaded the sample of book three and sped through the appetizer pretty quickly, definitely wanting to know more. 

Some of the things that bother me about these books are the odd, bland words thrown in here and there which seem to have been missed in the editing phase. "A hand came on her shoulder." Really? That was just one example. There aren't many of these, thank goodness, but they show up in such random spots, they may throw you into a bout of humor, rather than the seriousness which characterizes the rest of the story. 

Thank you so much for reading today's post! I'm so happy to have you here and hope you'll find something interesting among the books I've reviewed and shared. If you feel so inclined, let me know when one of them strikes your fancy in the comments below. I'd also love to hear what you thought of any of the books I've reviewed if you've read them. 

Until next time...


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