Author Journey: January 21, 2022 - Hasty Travel Plans and Life

 Welcome back for another blog post about what's happening in my writing journey. Being away from home is making it a little difficult to concentrate. It's also done a number on my routine. Still, God is good. We arrived at our destination safely. 

Author Journey: Life Happens but There is Hope Yet

Our oldest daughter was in a pretty awful wreck last week. Surprising to some, but not to me, I didn't really freak out, even though she was several states away and this was the first time such a thing had happened without us being close enough to hurry to her side. It did make me extremely antsy when we didn't hear from her for a long while after she got to a hospital to be checked over. We are praising God she and her two friends weren't killed or hurt any worse in a wreck that the doctor says should have killed them all. 

Since her friends would have a little bit harder time getting her back home, we decided it might be easier to meet them somewhere else. It made sense to visit with my husband's family who we hadn't visited since early 2020. I'm glad we got to come and see them, but it is doing a number on my routine. 

I know I've talked about how much any little change in the routine throws my brain for a loop. But in this case, I got to show my mother-in-law the work I've done on the covers for Ripples, Surge, Over Land & Under StoneThe Tale of Outh'n Durr, and the title pages for the stories I want to include in the short story collection I'll be compiling one day. I also showed her the working covers for that collection of stories and Bid the Fallen Rise, the latter of which she also expressed a liking for. 

There's nothing quite so encouraging as hearing your mother-in-law say nice things about what you've worked so hard on. I've been encouraged to keep working at it and not give up. 

This post is short, as I need it to be. The weather is supposed to be bad later on and the temperature dropping steadily. I want to get this post out before the possibility of losing power. Oh how I hope we don't lose power! 

Thank y'all for reading today. I hope that my encouragement is also your encouragement to keep going. You never know who your work will appeal to. 

Until next time...


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