NaNoWriMo 2020 is a Go!

 It's that time again! Nano 2020 has begun and I am up and running. Or writing... XD I thought I wouldn't participate this year, but I changed my mind. Things have been so crazy, it seemed the best possible time to go ahead and write that memoir I've been talking about since 2016.

I'm Participating!


So, a memoir! Yep. I'm finally setting down my thoughts as the days go by. This work, which I'm calling Just Another Dawning, will stay within the parameters of the typical Nano goal, which is 50k words. I don't want to go over that amount, even though I probably could do so. I hope to write each day as if I was writing a journal entry. A reader would be likely to see anything from my thoughts on a scripture I read, to a memory from my childhood, to something that I'm currently going through. I'll probably run the gamut of feelings as I write and more than likely earn that weepy writer badge. It's a badge for those whose writing brings them to tears. I actually did that the first year I participated but haven't really done that again. 

What is a memoir? 

Some of you might be asking what a memoir is. I didn't know if there was any real difference between autobiographies and memoirs but they seemed to have some similarities. Since I wasn't sure, I did a little research. I found this article on Blurb's website and it explains in simple terms. So a memoir is definitely what I'm writing since I'm jotting down my daily thoughts, a few memories, and a little about the current events of 2020.

Have You Ever?

 My goal in writing this memoir isn't so much to publish it abroad, though I guess some might enjoy reading my personal story. I'm more interested in sharing what I have learned with my children and grandchildren.

Have you ever wanted to share what you've learned with someone? Have you ever thought about writing a memoir or autobiography? If so, have you done that yet? If not, why not jump into Nano 2020 with me and so many other writers? You might find it interesting to see how far you've come in life.

So now I've come to the end of my planned post and I find I have some extra time. If you follow me on social media, you'll notice I've been more and more absent there. I'm just not enjoying the social media realm anymore. I find it leans so far to one side of arguments and there's not much room for any other opinions on topics. If that wasn't bad enough, people are being censored if their personal opinions differ from those of the site hosts, or if they share actual and factual information the site host doesn't like.  Talk about ripping away free speech! I may not agree with every person's opinions or like some of the factual things that I read online, but that doesn't mean I get to tell others when and where and what they can say. Nor does it give me the right to harass someone whose views are different from my own. 

Anyway, I'm shifting my social media over to Mastadon. It's taking a little getting used to and I have so little time for that. But I need an active social community where I can post updates about what I'm doing on my author journey and get the word out about my book.

I'm doing my best to remove myself from toxic social media environments much like I might step away from toxic people from my life. I'm all about interesting and varied conversations but I am not about arguing someone down on a subject in which no middle ground can be reached. It boggles my mind why people can't just get along and agree to disagree on topics, rather than try to force people one way or the other. This part of human nature makes me so sad, as does the fact that history repeats itself whether we want to stop it or not.

I suppose this might be a good story prompt. What do you think? If you write a story based on this prompt, please link it to this post or tag me so I can check it out. I'd be interested to see what you come up with and I'm sure other readers would be interested as well. 

And in Conclusion...

Please pray for our country! And pray for me. My new website is finally live. It's not one I'm paying for because I'm not earning anything. I can't keep shelling out funds for something that frustrates me endlessly. Weebly was not the helpful site I thought it would be. 

I'm going to do my best to work back up to the Wednesday book review posts and Friday author journey posts. I've also set aside my newsletter for far too long, so I'll try to send one of those out within the next few days. Come back next Friday. I'll be sharing the working title and cover of my current WIP with you. See you then!


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