June 2019 Book Notes: Lisa Blackwood

 This month, I thought I'd try to focus more on fantasy book reviews. The first one I've chosen to share with you is Maiden's Wolf by Lisa Blackwood. It's the third book of her "In Deception's Shadow" series. Read on to check out my thoughts on it.

Book Review: Maiden's Wolf by Lisa Blackwood


Maiden's Wolf (In Deception's Shadow, #3)

Maiden's Wolf by Lisa Blackwood
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I truly enjoyed reading this book. I love the world Lisa Blackwood has created. The characters she's filled it with are well-crafted and believable. They are people I would love to meet who live in a world I'd love to visit...minus those pesky acolytes. The way the story progressed seemed believable to me. I want to read the rest of the books in this series now. :) Truly, truly enjoyable! I'd recommend this book to anyone who enjoys true fantasy, quest fantasy, epic fantasy, and YA fantasy.

View all my reviews

I know it's short. I'm having trouble keeping my juggling pins in the air. Seems to be my lot in life. However, I hope it's enough to draw your interest. As a fantasy book, the elements are there. But this is more along the lines of a fantasy romance. The quest seems to be secondary to the connection between the main characters. Not a bad thing! I'm just showing the difference between the proverbial fantasy book and a romance fantasy book. So if you're looking for a "Forgotten Realms" or Tolkien-esque type story, this won't work for you. But if you enjoy romance, I hope you'll give it a try.


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