#MythMadnessWIP Twitter Writing Challenge 2019

The #MythMadnessWIP challenge was hosted by @MythmakerWrites on Twitter. They also created the picture you see below.

I'm gonna get right to it, because some of these prompts are long.

Week 1:

The only prompt I think I need to explain is the one for Day 4. The others, I'll leave as they appear in the slideshow.
  • Day 1 - Explain your WIP in 10 words or less. I did this for the last challenge so I used the same words. I did change the background and font, though.
  • Day 2 - What's been new in the past year?
  • Day 3 - What is your writing goal this year?
  • Day 4 - Your villain in 10 words or less. I divided my villains into two groups, though Ibin Etina could stand alone since her motivation and goals are different. So these are general descriptions of each group. The Divini'I group consists of The Hai, Poten Jai Nisse, Ka Shi Malaki, & Ibin Etina. I describe at least the first three as being snobs, religious, privileged, powerful (I said that twice on my IG post! Oops!), charismatic and rich. The second group of villains consists of the Sekot Mundei, an overland Genzetti religious sect of which Liha's father is a devout believer. I describe them in general as determined, sneaky, decieved, violent, chaos-mongers, selfish, and power-hungry. If I was to describe Ibin alone, I'd say she was beautiful, deadly, skilled, rich, spiritual, determined, strategist, tactician, wise, and honest.
  • Day 5 - What is your villain's goal?
  • Day 6 - What justifies your villain's ambition?
  • Day 7 -Your villain as a GIF - I absolutely love GIFs and memes! Who's with me? So when I saw this particular writing challenge included the use of GIFs, I was so happy. Granted, these things take time to find and that's time I'm not actually writing. But in a way, I think it can be a helpful tool to visualize your characters and flesh them out a bit better. Check out the GIFs below and the reason I chose each one. I have to say, I discovered a lot about my current WIP by simply doing this exercise and I can't wait to make more improvements on my book!

Ka Shi Malaki


His suit was rejected by Zek's mother years ago and he's never gotten over it. He's a jerk and a bully, still trying to get his revenge on the Inessi family.

Poten Jai Nisse


He's jaded and looking for the cushiest job he can find. He hasn't quite made it to Hai status yet but he's working on it. And of course, no one does things as well as he would.

The Hai


She may only be called by her title, but that's really all she needs. Her position of power is such that she can indeed look down upon everyone else.

The Priesthood of the Sekot Mundei


They are best described with a 'butter-won't-melt-in-their-mouths' type of general personality. They know more than they let on, even to their most faithful devotees. They crave power and are master manipulators. (Something I can add to this is that they are working against the Creator, so they are chaotic evil.)

Aol Natro:


He's one of the faithful devotees of the Sekot Mundei. He's so devoted, he'd be willing to sacrifice his own flesh and blood to prove it, though it would seriously wound him. He's not a bad person...just badly deceived.

(PS Correct me if I'm wrong but this looks like a Game of Thrones piece. I don't want the series. I haven't read the books. And knowing what I know about it, I won't ever touch either. But I will say they rock some of the best costumes and makeup.)

Week 2:

Some of these are self-explanatory but some aren't. I'll list the prompts below and explain my answer where necessary.

  • Day 8 - How can readers relate to the villain?
  • Day 9 - Share a photo of your favorite book cover. - This was difficult for me. I love cover art and have many favorites to choose from. I finally went with the cover of 'An Unexpected Apprentice' by Jody Lynn Nye. I haven't seen much hype surrounding this book, and I even found it on the bargain shelf at Books-a-Million! It's a wonderful fantasy novel and if you get a chance to read it, you should. The art on the cover is done in a style I truly love and in colors that soothe my soul.
  • Day 10 - Who is your villain's closest ally? - Both the Divini'I and the Ka keep to themselves generally, but they will work together when there's some goal in common. Unfortunately, those goals are usually to retain the power they've accumulated over time. As for the Sekot Mundei, their devotees are their closest allies. They can count on them to go even as far as sacrificing their own flesh and blood, just like Aol Natro would be willing to do. When it comes to an assassin like Ibin Etina, allies are hard to come by. Her closest ally is the god she serves, Andurdrao, the creator deity of Y'Dahnndrya.
  • Day 11 - Describe your hero in ten words or less.
  • Day 12 - What's your hero's goal?
  • Day 13 - Does the villain change the hero's goal? If so, does the hero have a new goal?
  • Day 14 - Your hero as a GIF - I can only share this one in the slideshow. Giphy no longer allows public access to this one for some reason and I downloaded it before that took place. Who knows why Facebook does anything they do? :/
    I loved the Avatar animated series when it came out. What a great story and rich world! This statement works for my MCs, but it goes both ways. They do love each other but there's a lot standing in the way of them being together.
  1. There are two factions in Genzet - Drositiri (those living over land) and Tanderali (those living under stone). The two don't mix any more than they have to and both groups frown on life-matings between the two.
  2. Liha has been raised as a member of a totally different clan with different values and perspective. Though they serve the same deity, the way they do so is different enough that it might cause some problems.
  3. Both are isolated from their peers, but for different reasons. Zec's reason will take him to the far north of Genzet eventually. Will Liha choose to go with him? I still don't know for sure.

Week 3:

  • Day 15 - What makes your hero relatable? - Zek & Liha are misfits in their respective homes. Both are struggling to find out how they fit into their world.
  • Day 16 - Your favorite hero movie adaptation - Aragorn in LOTR is probably my favorite, if I understand the prompt correctly.
  • Day 17 - Who is your hero's mentor? - Liha's mentors are Master Tor Gervell (her legal guardian), Guardian Zim Haya Ne (her protector while she's growing up), and Instructor Hyo of Gild'n Mountain Shrine. Zek's mentors are Guardian Bal Shif of Gild'n Mountain Shrine, Master Tor Gervell, and Yetsye the Lady Messenger from my first book, Ripples.
  • Day 18 - Your WIP's setting in 10 words or less - From waterfalls to tunnels, from mountains to cave cities.
  • Day 19 - Explain your story by using 3 other published works. -  The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien; The stories of Joseph & Daniel in the Bible; The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
  • Day 20 - Now what makes your WIP different? - There are no dragons or dwarves (dwarfs?), no siblings seeking Zek's life, and my stories are definitely not historical fiction.
  • Day 21 - Describe a setting using a GIF -


Week 4/Final Days

  • Day 22 - Does your setting have a weakness? - I wasn't sure if they meant within the story itself or if there was something weak I needed to work on in the manuscript. I opted for the first idea. Since much of the story takes place in, under and around mountains, the typical dangers one might encounter in caves, rock climbing, and hiking are there.
  • Day 23 - What's your favorite villain movie adaptation? - Again, this one wasn't so clear so I chose two and covered both my ideas. My favorite dark movie adaptation in which I thought the villains were well done is 'Max Payne.' (Again with the liking stuff many people hate... *shrugs*) And for my favorite villain portrayed well by an actor, I chose Jason Isaacs' interpretation of Captain Hook.
  • Day 24 - What book should be made a movie? - I think they should finish the Dark is Rising series. If that single movie (The Seeker) was meant to convey the entire series, then it really needs to be redone. It wasn't terrible. In fact, there were some parts I really enjoyed. But it wasn't as close to the story as it could've been, I think. For one thing, the family members got along better than they did in the movie.
  • Day 25 - Describe yourself in ten words or less. - When I was on Facebook, my personal profile page had this tagline: "I make things and expound upon them." I was creating art and sewing a lot at the time. Not only that, we did a lot of hands-on projects during school. I'd blog about all of them. So I took that sentence and made it work for my writing life. I think about things, then expound upon them.
  • Day 26 - What's your go-to for inspiration? - For inspiration when I start or when I'm stuck, I like to scroll through the feed on Pinterest. For inspiration while writing or revising, I listen to ambient music on YouTube. When I need to bounce ideas off someone, my family are usually happy to help. And when my normal work space starts to stagnate and hamper my writing, our local cafe, Cafe Mosaic, is sure to kick me back into shape.
  • Day 27 - Do you have a book cover idea? Yes. You guys have seen it. I do need to modify it, though. After thinking long and hard about the figures and how the letters are being extremely difficult, I think it would be better to just remove the figures and leave only the ripple. Not only will that open up the space for the letters, it will solve that busyness issue and make the series look more like it should. I will see what I can come up with over the next few weeks.
  • Day 28 - Describe your writing situation with a GIF. - I chose Winnie-the-Pooh 'thinking'.
  • Day 29 - Why would someone read your book? - I think because it's an unusual fantasy book.
  • Day 30 - What would you like to see next year? - I'd love to see both Ripples and Over Land & Under Stone getting read more and book 3 being published.
  • Day 31 - Check out others working through the challenge on Twitter and connect with them.
And now for the slideshow!


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