Book Notes: Book Review - 'A Viking's Promise' by Elizabeth Rose

We now go back to my regularly scheduled book reviews. I'd love to did you guys like the Indie Author Spotlight Interview last month? Would you like to see another? Because I liked it so much myself, I think I'll definitely be continuing. I've got one tentatively scheduled for April and another tentatively scheduled for July/August. I'm so excited about bringing these authors to your attention. Their stories are just as important as those sold through a big name publishing company.

Moving on... today, I have another book review for you. This one is a quick read by Elizabeth Rose. Click to check it out.

Book Review: A Viking's Promise by Elizabeth Rose

A Viking's PromiseA Viking's Promise by Elizabeth Rose
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this story of romance and adventure. I love studying the history of the Vikings so that also drew my interest. "A Viking's Promise" starts with a beautiful scene and almost immediately the characters are faced with some hard decisions. While this tale is short, it kept me reading. I never really knew what would happen next. The way the characters grew throughout the story seemed very well done. Having been a person who waited for my perfect match, I know how hard that is and that it is not impossible to do. I am so happy when I read novels which include characters who exhibit self-control when what they want isn't immediately available, even if it seems what they want may never come to them.

Do you love a story of sweet romance, adventure, and fanciful Viking tales? If so, you should check this one out.

If I can manage it around a family emergency, there will be a post this Friday. But please forgive me if there isn't. And please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. We'd appreciate it very much.


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