My Challenge: #WritetheSenses Challenge
For several months now, I've wanted to create a writing challenge. I finally sat down and put it all together to create the #WritetheSensesChallenge. Hooray!
Putting the Challenge Together
I had a hard time whittling down ideas to something abstract enough to work with different fields of study. I'm using this for writing but I think it could be applied to any large project. First we are inspired. Then we sketch out a plan. Then we set the plan in motion and set up some borders we don't necessarily want to cross. And last of all, we refine what's inside the borders until we have a beautiful property we're proud of. (At which point we send it off to be scrutinized by someone else, if we're serious about it and have the funds to do so. I don't think anyone should do anything beyond their means. Just saying...)
So I took something I struggle with -- describing scenery and reactions/responses -- and came up with this for a challenge. Before each seven-day segment, I'll post the plan I intend to follow for those who wish to use my plan in completing the challenge. But don't feel like you have to follow my plan. You can certainly take this challenge and make it your own.
I can't wait to see who will participate and what the individual responses will be. :) If you join in, please use the tag #writingthesenseschallenge so I can do so. Woo-hoo! Let's do this!
More Exciting News
(I mentioned this before, but here's the original mention.) I hardly ever win anything but I won this nifty prize from Elizabeth D. Marie's IG giveaway. If you love fantasy and fairytales, you should definitely check out her work. Here's her blog and her Goodreads page so you can view her books easily, as well as read some info and reviews on them. Of her four published books, I've read two. I can't wait to dig into the others, especially book four since the hero is my favorite character from Chasing Cinders. And book five has another of my favorite characters from Chasing Cinders as the heroine so I'm really looking forward to that book release. Can't wait!
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