Walking the Line

Do you ever feel like you're walking a tightrope? I often do considering I'm a follower of the Messiah Yeshua and I choose to write in the fantasy realm. It adds an extra dimension of challenge I was more than well aware of before taking my first step. It might even be the reason it took me so long to get started on my writing journey.

Choosing The Path Less Traveled

I've chosen the path less traveled and one that's hardly even cut. There aren't many fantasy authors out there that have been able to successfully braid the fantasy genre with their faith in a single Creator God. What I'm attempting to do sometimes overwhelms me.

I want to do justice to the genre, but at the same time hold true to my own beliefs. I guess that's why my work moves along slowly. I'm certain I'm overthinking at least some of the aspects of what I do. But I press on and try to focus on just doing my best and also being myself.

I just finished reading Huntress by Julie Hall. If you want to read more about Julie Hall, you can do that here.  I thought it was well-done, though at first I had a hard time jumping over the hurdle that there won't be 'marriages' in Heaven. I gave myself a mental slap and reminded myself that fiction and fantasy are by definition not what truly is, though some of the stories may be based in reality. I'm reserving final judgment to see what happens in the end. I still have two more books to read in the series and I have to say I'm looking forward to it. Also, if you do check out the book, do the author a huge favor and go leave a review. I didn't realize how important reviews were to authors, especially on sites like Amazon where reviews mean the difference between your book getting seen at all or disappearing forever in the abyss filled with other forgotten tomes.

Can you help me? I'd love to know what you think.

I really struggle with which genre my work should fall into. It's definitely fantasy, but I'm not certain it's 'high' enough for epic fantasy or filled with enough romance to be called a YA fantasy. But maybe I'm wrong. I'd love to know what you think and your answers to these questions would help me so much. Would you please? Thanks in advance!


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