#JuneAuthInt Challenge Day 6

This weekend flew by. It went by so fast, I almost forgot to deliver my dad's card to him. I got very little work done over the weekend but I'm ready to knock out some revisions on Over Land & Under Stone this week.

Today's video post with my answer to Day 6 of the #juneauthint challenge is up. Continue reading to hear more.

#JuneAuthInt Challenge Day 6

The Question: How involved/supportive are your family and friends with your writing?

Honestly, I could not do what I'm doing now if it hadn't been for the constant support and encouragement and help from my awesome family and friends. They've really come through for me time and again. I only hope what I write is worthy of all their help.

What About You?

I haven't done this yet for this challenge, at least, not that I remember. What about you? In whatever it is you've chosen to do, the goal you're working toward, how supportive are your family and friends? If they aren't so supportive, where do you go for community involvement, help, and encouragement?


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