A Little More About Me
I grew up on Bible stories, fairy tales, Mother Goose, and Aesop's Fables. My parents listened to classic country music and gospel music, as well as a little bluegrass, which meant that's what I listened to. Wanna know more?
My mom enjoyed old movies, musicals, and Disney. She's a Trekkie and I'd love to send her to a convention one day. She's been a Dr. Who fan for far longer than most of the other Whovians out there, certainly before it was "cool". ;) Of my parents, she's the more practical.
My dad has this innate since of family, community connections, and putting down roots. He more green thumbs than anyone else I know. We jokingly say he only has to blow on a plant to get it to thrive. :D He's not one for stories but he did read Bible stories at night. We could always talk him into reading about the plagues of Egypt. It was the longest story in the book. LOL He doesn't have much tact in social circles, but he could tell a story with vim and vigor and he loves to laugh. And I really believe his friends love being around him. And his heart is as gold as they come.
So the foundation for my writing was set pretty early. My parents showed me such variety in my upbringing. And they loved me enough to encourage me to try as many different things as possible. We had very little money growing up so there was no dance or gymnastics class for us. Books, games, climbing trees, and watching cartoons were our past-times. (Should that be pass-times? You know...like someone passing the time happily?)
Certified Storm Spotter
This week, the weather has been a little more interesting than the last few. We're getting some rain now and goodness knows we need it. It's been humid but the rain keeps going around our area. There's a bayou we cross on our way to church. It's got a small dam in it and when we're getting enough rain, you can't see the little barrier. Lately, it's been showing far too long. Scum is building up on the surface of the water it holds back.
I'm looking forward to the storms they are predicting for this week. Hopefully, they'll cool things off a little. Our whole family went through the courses to become advanced certified storm spotters. For probably a year, there's been nothing in our area of note -- just the normal sort of rain shower. I guess that's probably a good thing economically. It's just a bad thing for people like my husband who have a passion for storm photography. Last night was the first close thunderstorm and we're hoping more will follow over the weekend. I'll share a photo at the end of a cell I snapped a shot of two days ago. (It dissipated before it got to us.)
So if you wondered what an author does besides writing... This particular author does a lot of things. How could there be the possibility of writing well otherwise?
Volunteering is Great Fun
The posts this week will probably be pretty short. I'm working on a joint community service project with some of the ladies from my church. It doesn't involve writing but it will take a good portion of my time. I'm just so happy for the opportunity to use my abilities and surplus to give to someone who has a genuine need. This mission project's been on the back burner since before Christmas but I've got everything I need now. I love the opportunity to give something back. If you don't already volunteer, I highly encourage you to find an area you are passionate about to get involved. You'll be surprised how much encouragement and joy you gain from helping others.
Also in the sewing department, I'll be making curtains and doing some small quilting projects. The latter will probably keep me occupied over the summer. We'll see, I suppose.
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