Accomplishments & Camp Nano April 2018

I did it! I completed the three Instagram challenges I signed up for in February. I learned a lot more about myself, the way I think, how I work, etc. I even discovered my ultimate writing goal (Day 25's #shareyourlinefeb photo) and mission statement (Day 26's #shareyourlinefeb photo).  And best of all, I discovered a fantastic group of writers who are encouraging and uplifting to help make the journey more pleasant.

Camp Nano is coming up in April! I'm looking forward to working with new writing friends and creating fantastic worlds and characters. To help me prepare, I decided to tackle more Instagram writing challenges. I've been networking with the new Plotter Life Writers Community on Facebook. They're a great group of fiction authors who are on fire for their work. It's encouraging and inspiring to be part of such a group from the beginning.

I know! I've been waiting to hear what the challenges are about. I chose to participate in three Instagram challenges during March. Last month's challenges helped me so much I'd like to see how far I can get with these new ones. Check out the photos of the challenges below. If you're a writer, why not join us?

I'm looking forward to this so much, I even forgot to go set up my novel on Camp Nano's page today. <sigh> I did get it done, though. Now I'm just waiting for my cabin assignment. :) If you're a writer and you've never participated in a NaNo event before, why not check it out now?



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