My First Writing Challenge

...At least, I think this was my first Instagram writing challenge. It's the first one I can find posts for. These didn't actually go out in my blog posts at the time, but I wanted to include them here and on YouTube, so I'm adding a post and fudging the date so it'll be in the right place chronologically. So to be more honest, this post was drafted on 7/8/2020, but the pictures themselves were posted to Instagram in January 2018.

The Plotters Life Challenge was hosted by Brittany Wang. She was such a fantastic help to me when I was just starting out. I'm still a fairly new writer, but her info was invaluable for me as a complete novice. I hope you'll enjoy these. I didn't have a post for each day, since I can't find evidence of that, but I'm sharing what I found and learning more about how far I've come. I'm also reclaiming some items I lost in the passing of years. It's been great going through all these old posts and challenges!

Click on the photo to visit Brittany's IG page

And here are the responses I was able to find. In January of 2018, I was probably scrambling to pick up the pace with our homeschool schedule after the holidays. January and February are difficult for me. I imagine if there was a reason besides the 'dontwannas' that I didn't post, it was that. But there were a couple of items on here I just didn't have something for.

Anyway...the slideshow!


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