Hurry Hurry Wait

Do you ever get caught up in the anticipation of an event? Do you expect the event to happen tomorrow when it's really happening next week? When it's finally time for the event, were you so caught up in anticipating it you forgot to do some important things and almost forget the event in your fit of back-pedaling? I do...

My newsletter is coming up again and I haven't even started putting it together. Thank goodness for MailChimp templates! It shouldn't be too difficult to put it together before November 1st.

Nanowrimo...I thought it was happening this week and I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized my anticipation was getting the better of me. Whew! Not ready! Not ready! Not ready!


Uploads for Ripples on Wattpad are slow but steady. I'm managing to upload 2-3 chapters each week lately. I have to be OK with that. Changes in our school schedule mean I have a little less time for writing. It worries me a bit. I've read on some websites that readers want daily updates and consistently, i.e. quickly, published works. But honestly, I have so many responsibilities I'd have no kind of life if I tried to maintain production at that speed. The quality would definitely suffer. Quality means more to me than quantity and I hope it means more to my readers. If you'd like to read chapter 18, I've uploaded it on Wattpad and the link is below. Enjoy!


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