"Ripples" Chapter 7 & a Post Harvey Update

We started our day with pouring rain and dark gray skies. The sun's shining a bit, though. I'm thankful for it but now we have to wait to see what will happen with rivers and streams over the next few days. Please, please! Keep the folks in Texas and Louisiana in your thoughts and prayers as we deal with lots of continued rain and flooding and threats of flooding.

I wasn't sure I'd manage it but chapter 7 of "Ripples" is now posted on Wattpad for your reading enjoyment. My immediate goal is to get one more chapter out before we take a short vacation for Labor Day. You can read the new chapter by clicking on the box below.

We started school this week and I'm adjusting to the new schedule. It seems we planned it well, though, because it's working so far. If you want to hear more about our school adventures, I do have a blog for sharing those. It's been sadly neglected over the summer but I'm going to start posting again after the aforementioned vacation. You can read it here.


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