"Ripples" Chapter 6 - Posted Before Harvey Hits Land

I'm doing my best to get all online and computer work done before the bad weather hits. Oh, for a generator! Ah, well...life continues. I'm working on a few writing worksheets. They'll be free for readers who sign up to receive my newsletter. If you haven't signed up yet, be sure to do so.

I'm not so good at writing snippets about my work, nor do I feel comfortable yet when discussing what my book is about. So I'll practice today.

Chapter 6 begins after Yetsye and her traveling companions have crossed the Alain'n River. They are nearing their destination -- Levanna Stone Temples. They are worn from the trials along the way, but rest and refreshing awaits them at the temples. You can read all about what happens when they arrive on Wattpad.


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