The Almost Deadly Doldrums

I wrote an entire post only to have the app glitch on me. I lost all of it. Keeping it simple.
  1. ​I finally acknowledged being hit by a slump which was fueled by baseless fears and constant hang-ups. That kinda thing is no fun.
  2. I chose to fight it by taking the 30 Days of Brave Challenge to fight the physical clutter in my home that was causing mental clutter in my head.
  3. I learned a lot about myself and ways I can stay positive during times of struggle.
I once had a friend tell me something interesting. When her son would come to her with any kind of trouble or complaint, she'd say, "Let's see what the Bible says. There's a scripture for everything!." It's true. There are lots I could choose from to gain positive encouragement right now. Most Christians would likely choose Philippians 4:13. But a different one sticks out in my mind. Romans 8:37 basically says we are more than conquerors. The CJB says "superconquerors" and I really like that. (I look up my scriptures online at

I will conquer these doldrums. They will not keep weighing me down. I have a goal and a deep seated desire to reach it. I. Am. Doing. This.

I'm not sure why but I'm on the mobile app and my photos aren't uploading. I can't insert hyperlinks, either. I apologize for any inconvenience concerning the second gremlin. As for the first, that's more annoying for me, I think. But I'm determined to stay positive. I did manage to actually post something to my blog. See you soon!

Update: I chose to add this quote image taken from Ripples so there would at least be one photo linked to this article. I don't remember if I kept the quote in the manuscript or not, but it still rings true in my heart. I hope you enjoy it!


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