Better Late Than Forgotten

 I am going to get better at this. I am. My health hasn't been so great over the past couple of months. I've been struggling with a few issues. Add to that normal chores, plus wanting to clear clutter out of our home and having to rehome our precious cat, it's been something else. 

Author Journey: I Have Been Working!

I'm happy to report that while my blogging has lagged somewhat, my work in Y'Dahnndrya has picked up. I finally got around to running a better edit on a story I posted here on the blog several years ago before Ripples was published. If you've been following the blog since the beginning, you might remember the story - Purpose - which was about a secondary character in the novel which followed. I've since edited it to read like a PDF book and plan to also create an epub version. Those will be available to subscribers soon via a Google drive link which I will share only in my new newsletter. 

Yup. You heard me correctly. I'm switching email service providers to hopefully feel a little more confident in sending out relevant information to those who'd like to keep up with special sales, get freebies when I create them, and more. I'm also toying with the idea of creating a Patreon page. This might be easier for some to use than other platforms. I'm just trying to figure out the tiers and what I'd offer on each one. I'll be sending out a newsletter from my current email service provider to let subscribers know of the coming changes. Some of them don't follow the blog. 

Writer's Life: So Many Changes in So Little Time

I mentioned earlier that we needed to find a new home for Spartacus. My son and his family gladly took him in and he's settling in well from what we hear. I miss him so much, but our youngest daughter seems to be developing an allergy to cats. Imagine our dismay when we figured it out. Still, to be on the safe side, she's going to get some allergy testing done to be sure exactly what she's allergic to. 

On a positive note, my mom seems to still be improving. We're so thankful for that considering how sick she was almost two years ago now. 

However, I'm the one struggling with health issues now. So we've been hard at work trying to pinpoint things which could be disrupting the normal functioning of my system, starting with diet. 

I set a goal on January 1 of this year to read more nonfiction books. I wanted them to be books which would help me improve my knowledge of theology and writing, mostly, but also some biography. I have since added a few which cover topics on health. I'm currently reading The Elimination Diet by Alissa Segersten and Tom Malterre, MS, CN. I like what the book is saying...and I also dread what I'm learning. I'm getting ready to start the detox process and get down to the business of discovering which foods I need to say no to. And all this after I thought I knew those things. It's been frustrating to me since I'm hungry almost all the time, but can only eat super small portions and almost always end up having some kind of reaction, no matter what I eat. Your prayers on my behalf would be appreciated. 

Now I need to get back to work. I still have a lot to do before I can publish Surge (Children of Y'Dahnndrya 2) later this year. 

Until next time...
Keep turning pages.

(p.s. I linked the book to Amazon. I'm not an affiliate or anything. I just wanted to be sure you guys could find it easily if you wanted to.)


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