Very Quick, Very Simple Update

 Welcome! I hope you've been having a good week. Ours has been interesting. We missed the bulk of the hurricane that passed through. We got one or two rain bands, but nothing serious. We're thanking God for that! Read on to hear a bit more...

Author Journey: Update

There's been nothing new here, except that I'm trying to be more consistent with social media. It's been OK. I'm not posting every day, but I'm getting something out there at least weekly or bi-weekly. I haven't been able to sit down with a planning guide and start jotting down ideas for the Nano project yet, but I will start before the month is gone. 

Writer's Life: A Whole Lot More Happening Here

This week started out with prep for the hurricane. Monday's grocery run was a pain because everyone waits until the last minute to do all their hurricane prep. We try to plan as much as possible in advance so we only need to pick up things like batteries or fill gas cans. At least it didn't induce a panic attack or anything like that. 

Tuesday, my girls and I had brunch with a friend. It's so nice to have women friends who are encouraging me and my girls to stand firm in our faith. Today, I'm supposed to have a visit with another friend who I haven't seen in probably two years or so. It feels like forever! I'm so glad we were able to set up this visit and I'm hoping it goes well. 

Wednesday was a chill day. We stayed home and kept an eye on the track of the weather, praying for our relatives who were in the path of it. 

Yesterday, I finally got to visit the small Hobby Lobby store that opened up down the road from our church. It's been open for a while, but I hadn't had a chance to check it out. It's small, but I'm so happy to have access to one that isn't in the heart of the busy section of the nearest large city. 

This morning, one of the outlets in our living room died. So we'll have to figure out which one and replace it. For now, we're functioning on hot spots for internet. That's why today's post is a simple update. I just don't have the time to wait for Goodreads to load and then for the copy/paste to load. It's just not gonna happen today. I'll have those next week, unless something else happens to the internet. 

Spartacus is still fat, sassy, and happy. Well, he's 14 lbs, so maybe he's fat. But it could be we're just doing a good job of taking care of him and he's thriving. He's had to learn how to navigate a toddler and a 12-18 month old baby recently. I'm proud of how well he did. No cats or littles were injured during that visit. Yea!

Thank y'all so much for stopping by. I hope you're having fun writing and creating and that you'll have a blessed weekend. 

Until next time,
Keep turning pages...


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