Rushing Yet Again

 Welcome! I'm rushing to get this blog post out. What's new about that, though, eh? Seriously, the days kind of smish together in my head and I forget how fast Friday comes around. 

Author Journey: General Non-Update

There's nothing much to report here, other than I'm still trying to get through the read-through of Surge. You'd think reading through a manuscript wouldn't be a hardship. But considering how crazy my schedule has been lately, it's amazing I'm getting anything done at all. 

I watched a Hallmark movie last night. The heroine was an author who was losing her love for the genre she wrote. When confronted by the hero that she knew nothing about teamwork, she responded with the statement that she did have a team working with her to get her book out there. 

I must say I felt called out for a long while. I'm just now realizing I do in fact have a team of sorts who help me to get books written and published. I do a lot, and I mean A LOT, of the work myself. But I have a blessed handful of willing beta readers and community support through my local library and one local area school who keeps asking me to come back to read to their students. That support, help, and encouragement means a lot to me and speeds the process along a bit faster than otherwise. 

I still haven't been able to sit down and do a little planning for the upcoming Nano event. I look forward to doing that, though. 

Writer's Life: Busyness, As Usual

The new norm for me is busyness. And when it's not, I'm collapsing on the sofa and eating chips. ...OK... Not really, but when I'm not busy, I'm really not working. I'm playing a game on my phone or watching a documentary on crime, or watching an old movie, or some combo of those things. 

I managed to get all the door prizes done for the women's conference at my church. Then moved on to putting a couple of mug rugs and some coasters together to add to a house-warming basket. I wanted to do this for a couple from our church who went out of their way to make us feel welcome when we first started going there. I just hadn't had an idea of what I wanted to include until recently. 

I also need to create a vest for my husband's Shinnoahn merchant costume for the Trunk-or-Treat theme we chose this year. I went with that theme because I still haven't worn that new costume I was working so hard on at the beginning of the year. I can't wait and I hope this October is chillier than usual because I'm going to die of dehydration otherwise. sigh We bought most of the pieces my husband needed, because men's clothes aren't so easy to put together and certainly not with as many things as I have going on right now. So I'm sticking to making his vest and finding a way to add embroidered appliques to it, the waist wrapping cloth, the wrap for his head, and his shirt. We were even able to order a pair of boots for him. I'm excited!

What are your costume ideas this year, if I may ask?

The other major project I'm working on is a set of valances for a friend. I'm having to psyche myself up to get started because the fabric is really nice and there's not a lot of room for mistakes. I have everything ready to start, I just need to get going on it. And I will. Next Monday afternoon. 

Thanks for stopping by, y'all! I hope I'll have more to share with you next week. I make no promises, though. I just can't. The vest must be done by the end of next month. The curtains are a paying gig, so I need to get those done. They're high on the priority list, while this blog, sits a bit lower. And all these things rank lower than taking care of home and family. It is what it is.

I hope you'll come back next Friday to see whether I've made any progress or not. 

Until next time,
Keep turning pages...


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