Marketing Madness, Vlogging, & the Overwhelming Mountain of Stuff

 Hi there! I hope you won't mind too much if this post is a tad late. I've been swamped with extra things this week and when I wasn't, I was trying to recharge. Check out what's been happening...

Writing Update: Book Sale!!

Yep. My sale is almost here. Get ready, y'all! Just visit my author page on Books to read. Here's the info you need.

Note that each book is free/discounted on a different day. I'll never understand why they make it harder for indies and easier for big companies...

If y'all grab one or both of these, come back to the blog and let me know which one(s) you chose and why. And when you finish reading them, I'd love to see reviews from y'all, even if you didn't like the books. I can't improve if I'm not aware of the issues. 

I'm going to try my hand at making facebook reels and YouTube shorts. I absolutely hate being on camera. I'm no beauty and well I know it! Fearfully and wonderfully made? Yes! Certainly! But ready for the big screen? Nuhn-uh. And public speaking isn't really my thing. I can manage, thanks to Mrs. Buller and that linguistics class I took as a senior in high school. But it's definitely outside my comfort zone. So if you enjoy watching shorts/reels, and you find one of mine, let me know what you think. 

Thank y'all so much for believing in me and sticking with me, even through the really tough times.

Writer's Life: This Weeks Doings

This week was spent trying to put together a tablecloth that's been sitting on my 'to finish' shelf for probably three months. I did that. It looks better than I hoped for size, but the color is kinda meh against my wooden walls. It's making me want to paint them, at least the one the table sits against. 

When I wasn't tablecloth-making. I was stuffing door prize bags for a women's conference my church is hosting this weekend. I had so much fun making door prizes. I hope the ladies who receive them will like them! I made the packaging look similar to something you'd buy in a store, made some informative labels for them, and added a care card so they'd know more info about the products. I love doing stuff like that. What about you?

My mom seems to be doing better. I'm thankful for that! And Spartacus is fat and mostly happy. He's certain we're not feeding him enough, even though he's fourteen pounds. We rescued a beautiful little white kitten a week ago. (PS If you're missing a beautiful little white kitten, let me know.) So we're doing what needs to be done for that little one. My oldest daughter wants to keep it, but if it belongs to someone else, we'd like to get it back home. 

Other Stuff: No Book Review or Word Prompt This Week

I'm a poor planner, I guess. No book review this week, as I'm not prepared for it. I like to keep track of what I post here so I don't double up. 

I am currently reading No Mistletoe Kiss for a Cowboy by Alexa Verde. Let me tell y'all! I read the pretty short excerpt for this book which was at the end of the last book I read. I knew immediately I had to read this book. That's what an excerpt is supposed to do. Well done, Alexa!! 

Thank y'all for stopping by! I hope you'll visit again next Friday. Maybe by then, I'll have a book review and word prompt ready for you. 

Until next time, 
Keep turning pages!


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