Fighting My Way Back and an Upcoming Sale

 Well, I'm back. I hope, this time, it's to stay. So much has happened since March and I'll do my best to get you all caught up. And I've got some great news for those looking for something to read on a budget. Keep reading to hear all the news.

First, the Book Sale! 

That's right. I've set up a book sale for August 31 and September 1, 2024. It might be a little confusing, but when you're an independent author, the big companies don't make it easy for you. That's OK, though. As shown here, I might "take a lickin'" but I get back up by God's grace and mercy and keep pressing on. So here are the pertinent details:

  • August 31, 2024 - Ripples (Children of Y'Dahnndrya book 1) 
  • September 1, 2024 - The Tale of Outh'n Durr (Tales of Y'Dahnndrya 5) 
On those respective dates, each particular book will be free on all ebook seller sites except Amazon. If you use Kindle exclusively, then the good news is that you get $2.00 off! So you'll only pay $0.99. If you want both of them free (or discounted), you'll need to visit your preferred retailer on both August 31 and September 1. 

Here's a helpful link for you. It'll take you to my books2read page where you can click on the book you're looking for. Then click on your preferred retailer.

Happy reading! 

Writing Update

New things I've done since March in list form:

  • Started reading my books aloud at our local library's monthly open mic event
  • Started getting a new binder together in preparation for NaNoWriMo
  • Idea for NaNo project 2024 was birthed
  • Got new biz cards and mini bookmarks done up, as well as a pretty new card holder for my purse
  • lost Camp Nano April 2024, but made progress so still a win for me
  • won Camp Nano July 2024
  • edited most of Surge
  • started a read-through of Surge
I've not been idle, but I haven't been able to focus as much on my writing this year as I'd hoped. I'm determined to keep going.

Life Update

What's been happening in list form:
  • Mom went through six months of serious illness but is now much better
  • Grandma seems to be slowly declining, though she's still able to live at her own home
  • Oldest daughter has moved out
  • Youngest daughter is planning to start a technical program at a local community college
  • Getting settled into serving within our church community
  • Getting ready for a wonderful womens conference coming up at our church in about a week
  • Made door prizes for the aforementioned conference
  • Preparing to help with music for the aforementioned conference
  • Going through all our stuff to see what needs to be donated and what needs to be thrown out
  • Cleaning house as we go through stuff
As you can see, the life list is somewhat daunting compared to the writing one. It's certainly kept me hopping. I'm exhausted but... If not now, then when? 

So What's Coming Up?

I honestly couldn't say exactly, except that I'm currently running through Surge with my oldest daughter and her roommate. That's going well, and I do hope to have it ready to publish at the end of this year or the early part of the next. 

I still need to get the cover art sized correctly for getting Ripples back into print, as well as The Tale of Outh'n Durr. I'm hoping within the next couple of months I can get that done. 

And going forward, I'm dropping my blogging to just once a week. I'll share a three word prompt, one book review, and both writing and life updates. At least, that's the plan for now. 

I hope you'll keep coming back to see how things are going. I get so discouraged with myself, so it helps to know there are people out there who care about my work, who enjoy my blog posts, and who hope to see more of what I can do. 

Until next time...
Keep turning pages.


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