Author Update: January 3, 2024 - New Year Fits & Starts

 Welcome to the scenic route! A new year means new opportunities. I'm excited to start this one with my readers and eagerly welcome more to my blog. I hope you're excited about 2024, too! 

I'm writing today's post to apologize for the fits and starts right at the beginning. I'm working hard to get things lined up for upcoming blog posts and just haven't gotten it all figured out yet. 

I can tell you I'll continue to deliver three word prompts, stories & story snippets, Spartacus cameos, book reviews, and author life updates. So if you loved the past year's posts, I think you'll enjoy the upcoming ones, too.

This week, I decided to skip the posts and focus solely on blog planning. I'll also be prepping for a month of editing during February. You can expect the regular posts to pick back up within a week or two. I just don't want to overwhelm myself. 

Thanks for checking out the blog, for sticking with me as I keep pressing on, and for the support and encouragement you give me by being here. 

Happy New Year! 
Until next time,
Turn the page...


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