Book Notes: Nonfiction & Theology

 Welcome back for another round of book reviews! Today, I'll be sharing a couple of nonfiction books I enjoyed reading with my husband. I hope you'll see something which interests you. And, at the risk of alienating some readers, I'll go ahead and tell you I'm pro-life -- die hard pro-life. I'm not going to argue or debate the issue. I'm just making my own stance clear. On with the book reviews...

Book Review: Abortion - A Rational Look at an Emotional Issue by R.C. Sproul

Abortion: A Rational Look at An Emotional IssueAbortion: A Rational Look at An Emotional Issue by R.C. Sproul
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Lots of Information!

This book contained so much helpful information on the topic of abortion. While Dr. Sproul is pro-life, he is able to write on this volatile subject without coming across as argumentative or offensive. The language he uses is educated and calm, his arguments sound. I've read a couple of his other books, one on ethics and another on reformed theology (which I'm in the middle of). It can be difficult to read his work if you're not really into the topic. I had no trouble reading this book. He's very thorough, but succinct. I'd recommend it to anyone wanting to become more certain of their stand on the abortion issue. If you're already pro-life, you might find this helpful in solidifying your own stance. I will say there are some groups listed in the back of the book who failed to step up during the recent upheaval, so this book isn't quite up to date. Still a good resource, otherwise.

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Book Review: Daniel, Man of God - Being a Man of Character in a Babylon World by Dwight L. Moody

Daniel, Man of God: Being a Man of Character in a Babylon WorldDaniel, Man of God: Being a Man of Character in a Babylon World by Dwight L. Moody
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Excellent Points on Daniel

My husband and I read this book aloud so we could discuss the points brought out in the text. I've read through the book of Daniel several times before but Mr. Moody's observations showed me a few new points I'd missed. There were also mentions of other books and quotes I wouldn't have found on my own.
Overall, this short book was well-focused and informative, as well as easy to understand. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for an example of godly manhood.

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I found both these books to be informative and interesting. Neither of them was long.  However, there is a long transcript of a court proceeding in one of the appendices of Sproul's book.

What I like most about Sproul's writing is that he takes the time to be thorough and has written this book in language which is easy to understand. Some of his other books were harder for me to get through in my younger years. 

Daniel has always been a Bible book which interested me. There are some vibrant stories included in the text. Reading a study on Daniel and his three friends' integrity and character was a no-brainer. I enjoyed this one a lot and learned a few new things along the way. 

Thanks so much for stopping by to read today's post. If you made it this far, I'll assume you are, at the very least, a kind person, showing me courtesy concerning my own viewpoints on a topic. 

I'll have another writing update, as well as a kitten update, for you on Friday. At least, that's the plan. 

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