Book Notes: April 6, 2022 - Romance

 Welcome back! My husband and I have been married almost 28 years and it's been one interesting roller coaster ride, let me tell you. I wanted to share some of my favorite books with you which remind me loosely of our own romance. However, Goodreads is still giving me trouble. I think they have somehow managed to mess up their settings in such a way they aren't working with my preferred browser. Their loss. :/ 

A Happy List of Romances

I guess the best I can do for you is give you a list of books to check out. My husband and I are going away for a few days. We haven't done that in quite a while and we're both so ready for it. It's supposed to be storming the whole time we planned for our getaway. Neither of us even care. Just the opportunity to get out of our normal day-to-day grind is pretty amazing at this point. We couldn't go far because gas prices are stupid, especially when we could be using our own resources...but I won't get all political on you. 

Yes. The list. Here no particular order and linked to their Goodreads page.
Maybe that's enough to get you guys started reading some books I found to be good. These are all clean reads. Some are more inspirational than others, but all the MCs exhibit good qualities I might want to emulate in my own life, or they are learning how to incorporate good behaviors in some way. 

If you have read or choose to read something from this list, I'd love to hear about it in the comments below. 

Thanks for reading today!

Until next time...


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