Author Journey: March 25, 2022 - Time Flies When Your Energy's Run Out
Welcome back! I've been under the weather for the last week or so, but started on the up-swing a couple days ago. My energy hasn't picked back up yet, though. I'm being proactive and decided to try using ashwaghandha to boost both immunity and energy. We'll see how it goes. Read on to see more of what's been happening this past week in my author journey...
Author Journey: Art and Fine Details
Cover Art for Outh'n Durr
Three days ago, I prayed for inspiration to start work on my books again. I had just gotten into the mindset back in January when our family started experiencing a rash of weekly plot twists. When even the smallest jink in my mechanism throws my whole system for a loop, imagine what those weekly plot twists accomplished.
You might remember, too, that I mentioned I was having trouble getting that cover for The Tale of Outh'n Durr completed. I lost the background image, the overlay for that image, and the focal image file wasn't showing up as a workable image in my files. It was there...but not there.
Well, when I checked that file again, lo and behold, my firey fox/wolf is there! And I was able to find the background image again on Pixabay, thank goodness! I'm still unsure about the overlay but I'll be able to work on that, possibly today. If not, then I'll certainly work on it in the coming week. I'm actually excited that I can finally start work on it again.
Campfire Pro - The Crash of Waves
I was recently able to upgrade my laptop to a brand-spankin-new one. I'd been putting it off because I need /SPACE/ and /SPEED/ and in order to get both of those things, you're looking at gaming quality, which of course means big bucks. Thankfully, Acer ran an awesome sale at the beginning of the year. I'm loving my new machine. I can now have the privacy afforded by using a virtual machine and a ton of open source software, but also have the windows program to run things like Campfire Pro, Pro Writing Aid, and Scrivener with ease.
I sat down to use my Campfire Pro to kind of sort out the mess that is my rough draft for The Crash of Waves. Wouldn't you know it, it wouldn't let me use it right away. I'd already put the program on two different computers so I had to reset it. That worked, thankfully, and then I realized I'd already started a file on that story.
Starting over was better. I'm learning new things about the program...probably much slower than is possible since I'm learning on my own without the benefit of their lovely YouTube tutorials. These days, most of the tutorials are about their online subscription program. I'm so glad I bought the downloadable complete program when it was available as such. It's a great tool, but I don't want to be locked into needing internet to run any of my writing tools. Our internet signal is too sketchy for that.
In conclusion, this week wasn't as productive as I'd hoped. But progress was made and I'm choosing joy.
I hope you'll come back next Wednesday to see what I've been reading and what I think about those books.
Thanks for taking time to stop by today!
Until next time...
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