Author Journey: January 28, 2022 - Refreshing New Views
Isn't it wonderful when you can get out from behind your desk and see new views and do new things? We don't travel very much compared to many. It's something our family loves to do, though, so we take the opportunities we can do so and are extremely thankful. This time, the mini-vacation was a trip to my husband's home state, Georgia, and a little side trip up to Tennessee. I'd love to come back when the flowers and trees are blooming and greening, but only time will tell if we'll be able to do that. Let me show you a beautiful sight or two, after I give you a brief update of what's happened in my writing journey this week.
Author Journey: Weekly Update
I didn't actually do a whole lot of focused writing this week. I did check out a few pictures on Pexels to add to inspiration boards and character profiles. That was fun, but it always is a pleasant way to pass the work day. I'll be getting back to some more focused writing days next week.
Inspiring Views
As an author, I'm always looking around at the scenery and doing a little bit of people-watching anytime we go out. It's not a whole lot different when we travel. Having said that, though, I'm observant in an odd way. I take little mental notes. Usually the specifics are discarded in no time for whatever my imagination converts the notes into. I know. That's not necessarily a good thing, I know, but it doesn't change the truth of the matter.
One of our favorite coffeehouses to visit in Georgia is the Queen Bee Coffee Co. just off the McDonough town square. The great little house which was converted into the cafe just has this awesome atmosphere. The people we've always encountered there have been nice and welcoming. We just really enjoy the place. Our first visit to the coffeehouse during this trip was like a ladies day out. My mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, youngest daughter, and I went and enjoyed sitting at the bar by the front window. Check out this view.
As you can imagine, it's absolutely magical when everything is green, but this view is still quite cozy. I hope they are able to continue operating for a very long time.
We also made a side trip up to Tennessee to pick up our oldest daughter who'd been visiting friends. I've only been to a couple places in that state so it was awesome to be able to see more of it this time. We got to see icicles which had formed on the cliffs which edged the roads for part of the journey. We also got to see the Sequatchie Valley. I don't think I've ever seen a more picturesque place. I'm so glad we were able to do that. Check out this view.
You can see the shadow the clouds in the sky were casting in the upper left corner. When we were getting ready to leave the overlook, we noticed a few parasails in the sky over the top of the Cumberland Plateau. In the photo's background, you can see Walden's Ridge. A picture hardly does it the justice it deserves, at least when I'm behind the camera. I can't wait to see the photos my husband took, since photography is his thing.
I think what I love most about this area is how much open land is still there. My heart breaks as cities encroach more and more on the areas surrounding them. I love open spaces and trees and natural landscapes which are truly natural.
Anytime I visit new places and see new things, my imagination fires up. I'm so glad we were able to see all these views on this trip. Though we've been to Georgia many times since I married my husband, I see something new and beautiful on each visit. Let's take care of our beautiful scenery, no matter what part of the world we live in -- what do you say?
Thanks so much for visiting today. And just so this is posted and there are no questions, these photos are mine and the copyright belongs to me. No one is allowed to download or use these photos in any way without my written permission. Thanks for being considerate!
Until next time...
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