Author Journey: June 25, 2021

 I can't believe how much time has flown by since I last said, "I'll share an update on the Children of Y'Dahnndrya series in my next Friday post." If I'm honest, there hasn't been a whole lot to share. But since I did promise an update as soon as I was able, here goes...

Update on "The Tale of Outh'n Durr" Novelette

The honest truth, it's probably not going to be ready to publish by the end of this month. But I am working on it. I finally popped it into Pro Writing Aid last week and have been working on the line edit. It's time consuming and meticulous and I'm sure to miss so many things...but this program is certainly worth its weight in gold. I'm so thankful for it!

I did finally get a tagline for the shorter story and also realized I need to revamp the cover a little bit. I'd love to offer a print version if that's possible, but we'll see. There's no solid blurb as of yet to put onto the back. 

So that's where I am on Outh'n's tale. 

Update on "Surge" (Children of Y'Dahnndrya, #2)

Oh, gosh! Where am I? I'm still in the reading through stage. It's so discouraging at this point and I hardly want to discuss it. The cover is still 'almost done' and needs to be finished. I have started on a few of the content edits, though, so I guess I could say there's been a little progress. Certainly not as much as I hoped by this time of the year. 

Update on the Camp Nano Project

Since the last  Camp Nano was a bust by 20k or so words, I'm going to give the July round a go. If I can knock out some more of that content edit for Surge, that'll be a big win. I'd appreciate some encouraging words, because that's going to help me a lot. And if you're a fellow member of the body of Messiah Yeshua, a few prayers on my behalf wouldn't go amiss. Thanks in advance!

I Know its Early But...Nanowrimo 2021

I had an idea for the fifth book in the series pop into my mind this month. I'm super excited about it and can't wait to start world building and character profiling. Well, I've already started with a few bare bones things. I have a title, a cast, and a general plot idea. I found some cool pictures for my MCs, one of which I found ages ago and thought, "Oh, wow! This guy needs to be in one of my stories! He's definitely got a tale to tell." Isn't it funny how that works sometimes? 

So I've been doing a bit of brainstorming for this new story as it comes to me. I have an outline started and a basic idea of the conflict, but that may need to be worked on. I'm not certain I like it.

So that's where I am for now. The Struggle is real and a tenacious little troll. I feel much like this poor woman on her sofa with her head in her hand, papers and books scattered everywhere...and probably none of them relevant to the issue at hand. 

Still, I'm not giving up. I know this is something God has blessed me with...the ability to tell stories in the written form. I wish I also had the gift of actual, vocal storytelling like my dad and aunt do. But hey! We can't all be doing the same things. How boring that would be? 

I hope you're having a safe, healthy, happy summer! Until next time...


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