My Author Journey & Book Notes: December 18, 2020

You may have noticed I missed my Wednesday post. The holidays are always so hectic for my mind. There are tons of projects I'm working on at any given moment and I'm usually behind schedule because of unforeseen situations. I don't think 2020 has made that necessarily worse since that's my norm during the holiday season. 

The Journey on Hold

I haven't written much at all this past week, except to jot down a few thoughts on the scriptures I've been reading in my morning devotions. I hope to get back to editing Surge after Christmas, if not grabbing a few moments here and there during the next few days. It all depends on whether I complete the projects I need done before Christmas. 

Book Review: Cabin by the Lake by Desiree Douglas

I didn't want to deprive you of one of my stellar book reviews. (LOL) Here's one of the reviews I wrote for a book I recently finished.

Cabin by the Lake

Cabin by the Lake by Desiree Douglas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Enjoyable Clean Romance

The plot for this story was enjoyable. I liked that there was a clear villain and that both hero and heroine had some history to work through. I liked the ending and the setting as well. There were only a few technical issues and that's why I gave it 4 stars. If you enjoy clean romance with a dash of suspense, then you might enjoy reading this book.

View all my reviews

 It must've been very late when I wrote this, though lately I've noticed my spelling skills aren't as sharp as they used to be. (Yikes!) I wrote 'suspense' as 'suspence' in the original review... :/ Also, the plot for this story was carried out in an interesting way. I really enjoyed watching the characters grow and learn to love again.

My Christmas News: A Book Bargain!

On December 22nd, I'm going to reduce the price of Ripples (Children of Y'Dahnndrya book 1) to only $0.99 USD! If you haven't gotten a copy yet, now may be a good opportunity. If you have a copy, maybe you need a last minute gift for a friend. Why not gift an ebook? If you don't want to wait for the promotion, you can purchase a copy of my book at full price right now, still affordable at $2.99. Just click here to choose your favorite ebook retailer

What prompted this? I'm part of the author community on Parler. One of my connections is hosting an author promotion party in which we can share our book links and hopefully support each other by getting the word out to the rest of our followers. Here's to the possibility of new connections and higher book sales! You can read the details in the photo above.

I'll be posting about this again on Tuesday so stay tuned. And don't forget to join in the fun at Parler. Once you're set up, just search for #BuyABookParty and watch as the variety of book links appear. OK, so I don't really know how many authors are going to participate, but I know I will, as well as the person who set it up and the one who shared the link so that I saw it. I still think this will be a great promotion and an awesome opportunity to introduce my book to possible new readers. I'm also looking forward to finding a few new books to add to my TBR list.

If you've never signed up at Parler, you should know the sign up process is a little more in-depth than other social media sites. And you definitely need to read the T&C. That article was a major deciding factor for me when I was considering joining the platform.

Thank you so much for stopping by Dear Readers. I hope you'll keep coming back. Your support encourages me to keep writing, even through the difficult times.


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