Author Journey: November 20, 2020

This week, I’d like to give a little update on how things have been going during Nanowrimo. I’m going to be honest. It’s been a rough year. Normally, I stay on target and don’t get too far off track if I do slip below the daily word goal. I usually catch it up the next time with some words to spare. So this year has definitely been a challenge. Read on to see what I mean.

2020 - The Year That Became a Meme

Things going rough for you? You’ve been 2020-ed. You had three different sicknesses within a month? You’ve been 2020-ed. You lost your job, got behind on your car payment, and your siginificant other ditched you without a real reason? You’ve been 2020-ed. 

2020 has been such a rough year on everyone and about the only way we can cope with the scope of craziness and chaos is to find a way to laugh about it. I’m honestly surprised that I haven’t seen more memes while surfing the web, but I know they’re out there. I went looking for some and found a good selection on one of my daughter's favorite sites, boredpanda. (If you use an ad blocker, you'll need to whitelist the site.) You can read the article if you click here. I think the most accurate one all around is Kronk and the hurricane, but that's just my opinion. 

My Nano Project

So far, the only day I managed to stay on target was day one, and maybe day two, but I’d have to check the stats chart. I’ll share a photo for you to see wehre I am now. I am working hard not to stress over the numbers this year. I don’t have the time or energy to devote to being upset about a number when the project is still getting done. To be honest, though it shows I haven’t written every day on the chart, I actually have written something each day but one. And that one was due to working at the polls, so I don’t feel bad about it. But there were a couple of days that I wrote early in the morning and planned to put the word count in later in the day because I thought I’d go back to it. I ended up not going back to the project and just forgot about putting the word count in.

I do love collecting the little badges for hitting the milestones, but since I started observing a Shabbat on Saturdays, I determined that no work on Saturday did not constitute a fail. And since I set that up in my head beforehand, it doesn't bother me to miss out on that little badge or three.

This is a snapshot showing how my progress stayed under the goal line every day. You can also see a lovely background on the second screen. It's a project in progress but I think it's coming along nicely. What do you think?

I Did Promise

There was a promise made to you last week. Normally, I save these things for my newsletter but I couldn't upload the photo last night when I finalized it. (Yes, this post is back-dated and I'm posting it after my December newsletter went out.) So this time, everyone who follows my blog gets to see this first (unless you’re a Wrimo and you visited my profile page or you are part of my regional Nano group). I promised to show y’all my cover for this project. I’m super happy with it because, though it’s old, it’s a picture of me that my husband took a few years ago. I love the way the cover looks sort of like a vintage journal, sort of chabby chic, which is very much me! How awesome is that, eh? I’d love to hear what you think. Would you buy a memoir with a cover like this?

Yet Another Change

Wattpad informed me of some big changes coming. I know I’m getting older but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m totally resistant to change. Let’s just say in light of the current trend on all creative and social media sites where people have previously had the right and opportunity to say whatever they wanted to say, that now they are being censored because their beliefs may not match up with the site’s creators and producers, I’m just skeptical.

I’m considering moving my short stories to Quotev and keeping them there unless and until they also start focusing on only one viewpoint. I doubt anyone on Quotev will have this issue since the mindset seems to be generally more open to varying viewpoints. I myself lean to the conservative POV, though I hope I’m open minded enough to carry on a conversation or discussion without blowing up about differences of opinion.

I don’t know what else to say on this matter except I really never thought those of a liberal mindset would ever consider censoring someone. One would think they’d just block the annoying person so they didn’t have to see their posts. I have to shrug my shoulders, shake my head, and move on though, because life stops for no person.

Thank You!

If you followed me here from Weebly, thank you so much for continuing to read my blog in spite of the changes. If you’re new to my blog, thank you so much for checking it out today. And if you’ve actually read my book or any of my short stories, thank you so much for taking part of your valuable time to spend on my work. I hope you enjoyed it and will continue to do so for many years.


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