WIP Line by Line Challenge July 2019
I think I said I might not participate in challenges this month. But! :) I found one that will work along with my Camp Nano project that doesn't require a whole lot of side tracks into aspects of my story that may not even show up within the text. It's called the #WIPlinebyline Challenge and I simply have to share one line of whatever text I'm working on each day, whether that's revision or writing raw material. It's perfect! So here's what I have.
July Writing Challenge: I Caved! XD
I hope you enjoy the lines I chose to share for this challenge. These are all taken from Over Land & Under Stone, unless otherwise noted. Day 4 was a revision. The others were taken from new stuff I've written for the project.
- Day 1 - In this case, he happened to be misguided by a long-taught tradition we'd be stronger without.
- Day 2 - Now, how could he defeat a foe who knew more tricks than Zec had ever had time or desire to learn?
- Day 3 - He put on an extra burst of speed and fire singed his lungs.
- Day 4 - The griffi nestled against Zec's leg and laid its head on its front talons.
- Day 5 - It seemed the right and proper thing to do since Obys (OH byis) had only one name and was by far the elder of the two.
- Day 6 - "You don't have a choice if you want to retain some use of this thing."
- Day 7 - "They all scream."
- Day 8 - "Stay focused on your purpose and understanding will come."
- -----Nothing on day 9 but school planning... :( -----
- Day 10 - "If you were not able, Zek, you would not be here now."
- Day 11 - "Back from where?"
- Day 12 - "But," Zek shook his head ruefully, "it's hard for me to see these things which seem so obvious to you."
- Day 13 - On the opposite wall, a desk crafted of ynka wood held a pot of ink, a gi'ikya plume stiil, and several partra scrolls.
- Day 14* - The mountain ignored my words, which by this time were more like a cracked paveway of syllables, hardly recognizable as the path to understanding they were meant to be.
- Day 15 - "Imi'I says it's best to thank Andurdrao for everything, but special things deserve special thanks."
- ----- Day 16 was a bust. -----
- Day 17** - His cold gray eyes glared down at his youngest o'oso.
- Day 18** - "Well, I'm from a family of brensilin and your family belongs to one of the most highly respected guilds. Are you trying to get me killed?"
- Day 19** - Judging by the scowl on his face, she'd have more success catching a mingari with her bare hands in pitch dark.
- Day 20** - "Hope for the future of our clan. Hope for reconciliation and the mending of our broken pieces."
- Day 21** - "Those who drive the angz'l hardest always arrive last to the celebration."
- Day 22** - "Spare them your golden daggers, Aol," Bal waved away their former friend's voiceless threat.
- Day 23** - Instead he'd hurled insults and blame adding to the guilt she already felt at the loss of the tiny life which had thrived inside her.
- Day 24 - She teaches him, too, what it means to love deeply, though in her youth, she doesn't realize it.
- Day 25 - Pieces of the broken staircase helped, but by the time Zek's arms crossed the threshold, sweat burned each bloody rift in his skin.
- Day 26*** - It's been a bear of a task and I'm still struggling through it.
- Day 27*** - While I was growing up, I interpreted tears as a show of weakness.
- Day 28*** - I loved the beautifully imperfect characters.
- Day 29** - It seemed fitting they were together for the last piercing they'd get at Gild'n.
- Day 30 - What mattered most was cherishing the present time with those gathered around you.
**These lines came from some backstory I'm writing as a project I'll give away to my newsletter subscribers in the future. I may also add it into the book as bonus material. It's directly related to the current WIP so I'm counting it toward my Camp Nano goal.
***This line came from a blog post I wrote that day, or a journal entry, or a book review.
The second week was one of my roughest for writing. I had so much trouble just sitting down to write. My youngest has been fighting a battle with poison ivy. (She's getting better now, thanks to so many helpful and prayerful people.) My back started hurting two days ago and has been making it difficult to sit at my desk for extended periods of time. But I finally got my full two hours of writing in yesterday. A small victory, but a victory nonetheless. Here's the list of daily lines, minus the days I didn't write at all.
I've been dragging along so much on the edit of Over Land & Under Stone. One reason for this was not having a clear picture of where my story needed to go. I also worry about how the stories I'm writing now are going to connect and what main antagonist the hero(es) will be up against in the end.
Writing and editing OLUS has given me so much insight into a different clan and how they think and function. Editing it has shown me places I can use to further the story itself and the series as a whole. I have learned so much on this part of my journey and I learn more every day.
I hope no one will be too upset if this book takes longer than expected to publish. It's been a bear of a task and I'm still struggling through it. But I haven't given up. I can't wait to start on book three but I can't do much with it until I'm certain about all the events in book two. It's a great incentive to keep on keeping on.
Slideshow coming soon!
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