January 2019 Writing Challenges: #WritingtheSenses Challenge Week 2

Week 2 of the Writing the Senses Challenge focused on sketches. Since sketches are the bare bones of an art piece, I'm using that concept to jot down details about a particular scene so I don't lose the essence of what I want to convey to the reader.

Day 8 - I shared a photo of my Sight Sketch for yesterday's challenge. Though I believe I might have chosen a more impressive "sight" to sketch out, this was the first one I hit on while attempting revisions today: Perodyll Forest. It's quite possible it won't even show up in the final manuscript, but some of the interaction between characters is interesting. Then again, it may show up with a totally different mood and purpose. Who knows?

Scrivener offers a pretty simple template that works well for simple scene sketches. That's what I'm using to complete this week's challenges.

Day 9 - For me, sketching with sound means creating a playlist for 'Over Land & Under Stone'. I normally make a playlist for my books since I started adding YouTube videos to my Wattpad version of 'Ripples.' Lots of people enjoy choosing a theme song for their characters. I like creating an ambient mood for each chapter in addition to that. Not only is it fun choosing compositions, those compositions help me get in the right mood for the scene or chapter I'm working on.

Day 10 - I have to admit to stumping myself. To create a taste sketch, I wasn't sure what to do. I thought about creating a menu but it was so late. Writing down a list of the foods in my rough draft was a good start though. I'll share the breakfast meal scene in my rough draft next week so please look forward to it.

Day 11 - The scent sketch challenge on day 11 had me stumped for a bit. How does one sketch out a scent? I thought about creating a fictional menu for one of the inns in my story. I ended up sharing a list of scents my characters would confront on the trail and described them a little.

Day 12 - This prompt was all about the sense of touch...or feelings...or textures...whichever helps you most in your writing. I chose again to describe some of the textures my characters would come in contact with in Perodyll Forest. For a place that might not even show up in my final manuscript, I seem to be fixating on it. Perhaps it's meant to be there after all.

Day 13 - This day has proven by far to be the most nerve-racking of my own challenge. (To chase a rabbit for a minute... Yes. It's nerve-RACKING. Not to be confused with wreaking or wracking, the latter of the two being a noun in actuality. I looked it up today to be sure and learned something new. Click here to check it out on Merriam-Webster's site.)  Why was it so tough? Well, I decided to share my pitiful sketch of the imaginary things in my writing. I'm better with plants but still just not very good at drawing specific things. I should've painted them with my fingers. I'm better at that, I think. LOL Read on to see my responses to day thirteen's challenges.

When you see the photo in the slideshow, I think you'll be able to tell which is the fyrna shrub and the drakmaugh, though he looks more like a weird but cute puppy. But the third photo is the number system I started for the Genzet Clan. So far I only have one good, solid number system in place and it's for the M'Neshunnayan Clan from book 1.

Day 14 - I'm working ahead in the challenge so my blog posts can go out on time (hopefully that glitch is taken care of...). I'll keep posting on the appropriate day for each of the challenge prompts on IG but I can't blog every day. It's just too time consuming since I put my all into whatever I'm doing and usually end up taking the long way around to get to the finish line. *shrugs* It is who I am... Read on to see my responses for Day 14.

I chose this famous quote by Lao Tzu because it fits so well with my current work ethic and also with the story I'm writing. "Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."
The tagline for "Over Land & Under Stone" is "Walk well the path which lies before you." I know there are Bible scriptures that teach about walking different paths. But this quote is so well known, I'm sure many will relate to it. Since I added a scripture into the front matter of my first book, that's something I'd like to do with each successive installment to the series. I will probably include Lao Tzu's quote, too, when I add the scripture for this book.

Again, please stay tuned for the slideshow coming at the end of the challenge. I can't wait to share all the photos with you!


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