Book Notes: Book Review - 'Beyond the Fortune Teller's Tent' by Kristy Tate

(I'm seeing a pattern throughout January 2019. I don't really say much around my book reviews. I'm not going to mention this again when there's nothing but a book review to share. I'm just going to post my usual picture and continue on as I mean to go. 7/30/2020)

Book Review: Beyond the Fortune Teller's Tent by Kristy Tate

Beyond the Fortuneteller's Tent (Beyond, #1)Beyond the Fortuneteller's Tent by Kristy Tate
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I was trying to find my review on the Amazon site (which proved impossible yet again) and scanned through several of the other reviews. I was saddened to see some strange reasons for not giving this book a better rating, ranging from /not for my age/ to /juvenile language/. Since the book seems to be written for middle-high school aged people, I think it's perfect for them. The language is simple enough to understand easily and keep the reader engaged. The action moves quickly and there were some interesting plot twists. One person asked why she didn't check her phone more often and I can't help but think if the MC is as smart as the author suggests, she would've realized it was futile. I think a better question would be why didn't she scroll through her photos more often when homesickness hit her. But honestly, she didn't really have much time. The story really moves along at a brisk pace. I'm 40 but I still enjoyed reading this. It's not going on my 'favorites' shelf, but I think this book would be very engaging for the proper age range and I think my own daughters would probably enjoy it.

I don't think I've ever read a time travel tale quite like this one. What an adventure! The plot really hooked me. I kept thinking it would make an excellent movie, especially if they stick to the story as the author has so cleverly written it. I love the characters. The villains are detestable, as they should be. And I mentioned before about the plot twists, but I like how she scattered them around and they are carefully done. To me, it was everything a tale like this should be if written for tweens and teens.

One more thing I'd like to point out that might be a problem for others is this: If the MC is very smart, why does she have trouble finding the right synonyms to explain what her more modern English means? It didn't happen often but it still stood out to me.

I gave it five stars because I thought it was a fun book. I hope to read the next one very soon.

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