Today is the Day! Ripples is Published!
You can now own your very own ebook copy of my debut novel Ripples! When you click the link below, you’ll go to Book2Look where you can choose the format that works for you. When you finish the book, please leave a review wherever you purchased the it. I can’t stress how important that is to self-published indie authors.
Ripples Is Available In Many Stores!
You can get your ebook version of Ripples by clicking here.
Reviews are the life-blood of any author, but even moreso for self-publishing authors, for we choose to go the path less traveled...and also less marketed. The good reviews are the ones that put your book in the spotlight. The more good reviews you have, the higher your book will rise in the search engines.
Seriously, though, I’d love to know what you honestly think of the book. If it was a total flop for you, I’d like to know why to learn how to make my writing better the next time. If you loved it, I’ll glow with the feeling of warm fuzzies and a sense of accomplishment. I need a bit of both, so don’t be afraid to give your honest opinion.
The people who ‘know’ say your first book is always bad. Perhaps that’s the truth. Probably so, since they’ve been doing their job for years. But for all its flaws, whatever they may be, it’s still my story and I will still love it. Thanks for all your support and encouragement!
Also, some of you may be wondering what kind of book release doesn't come with a giveaway or something similar. Well, this one. But be on the lookout for a giveaway soon. I want to set one up but I don't have the funds to do it right now. I'm hoping to be ready before Christmas. If not, I'll shoot for a New Year's giveaway. Always have a Plan B...
Just For Fun...
I can't promise you won't be bored.
Neither can I promise you'll be totally riveted through the entire book...
Or biting your nails into non-existence.
I can, however, promise you a clean story you could read to your children if you wanted to...
Or at school...
Or at the park with your best friend.
I can also promise you for every copy purchased this week and every review a reader leaves, this self-published indie author will be doing the happy sheep dance...which would probably make you roar with laughter if you actually got to see it. Will you celebrate with me? :)
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