The Oktowrimo Writing Challenge

This is a challenge hosted by author R.C. Martin. I happened to stumble upon it when one of the people I follow shared it.

It's amazing what you learn in an IG challenge, or any challenge for that matter. In my case, they sometimes remind me of things I forgot about. Like National Read A Book Day. I had totally forgotten that was A Thing, since every day is 'read a book day' for me lately. I was also reminded how fun it is to doodle and share the mini art pieces.

Day 6 - What's your ideal Saturday look like? - My ideal Saturday would involve lots of time to read with most of the chores being caught up. I borrowed Frostblood from the library and I can't wait to dive in. It sounds super interesting. Right now, though, I'm in the middle of Bellamy and the Brute. It's a 'Beauty and the Beast' retelling like I've never seen before. If you enjoy romance stories with an element of the supernatural and spiced up with mystery and action, then you'll be wanting to check this one out. Also, if you really want to do the authors a favor, check their websites first before purchasing. They'll likely earn more if you purchase directly from their sites!

Day 12 - What are you doing this weekend? - My oldest daughter chose to be Merida for Halloween and if you know her, then you probably know why. The theme for the party she's going to is "Look-Alikes". I'm so pleased with how the costume is coming along, even though it's eating away at my Nano prep time.

Day 13 - What's Your Favorite Halloween Costume? - I feel like this one needs a disclaimer. While I never wore it for a Halloween event, I could have. I actually constructed this for a Mardi Gras ball a few years ago and for a local theater event which was Mardi Gras themed. There's a nifty mask that matches but it was finished at the time the photo was taken. This could totally be a fantasy princess costume, a vampire costume, or a lolita costume, though I'd need to make some slight adjustments to accomplish the last. Anyway, I made the whole outfit except for the boots, fingerless gloves and the mask base. But I embellished the last two. My husband took a better picture but I couldn't find it. :/ Oh, well. This will do.

Day 14 - Do you have a song you associate with your MC? -

This song is good for both main characters. They're both looking to escape cages, though their respective cages aren't so much of their own making. They end up creating more cages because of the situations they are trapped in, though. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out in the end.

This is one of the songs that makes me think of Kai. Because of the early years of his life, this song fits almost perfectly.

My daughter helped me find this song for Sa Mye. It works much better than the song I chose at first. I have to be honest. Girl singers aren't usually my favorite type of singer. Rachel Platten's voice is pleasant, though. I just find they cater to specific crowds...which don't include me. I prefer voices like Grace Slick and Annie Lenox and Tracy Chapman when I look for female singers to listen to. But this song is perfect for Sa Mye.

Day 15 - What's your hero's best friend like? Kai thought Ja Chi was his friend for a while until he was betrayed by the guy. Now his best friend is the old healer of Cartang'il, Ma Ryn, who patches him up if he gets hurt.

Day 16 - How do you approach word count goals? - Armed with coffee, tea, and sheer determination.

Day 17 - How many times do you read through your story in the editing phase? I think that would depend on how solid the first draft was. I just know I revised Ripples at least seven times, maybe eight.

Day 18 - Hardback or paperback? - Hardback is my preference for longevity.

Day 19 - Do you have a song you associate with your heroine? - Fight Song by Rachel Platten - I'm not into girl power songs very much. My daughter helped me find this one. Also, I can't believe how hard it is to find a girl power song that is NOT relationship oriented. What's that about? o.O

Day 20 - What's your heroine's best friend like? - Sa Mye's best friend is her companion. While the young woman doesn't have a name just yet, she's loyal and bright and cheerful, always encouraging Sa Mye to keep trying and do her best.

Day 21 - Gloss or matte (covers)? - Matte is my preference. I find they last longer than glossy covers. I also prefer the wrap covers over the dust jackets because my dust jackets always flop around and tear.

Day 22 - What made you decide to publish? I don't see the point of writing a book just to hide it away on a shelf. How does that do anyone any good?

Day 23 - OK, so I was tired when I was trying to catch up on days 23 & 24. :/ The real day 23 post asked what kind of stories we prefer to write. I write novels. I'm practicing...OK, I have every intention to figure out how to write short stories so I can start submitting them to magazines for publication. But I haven't managed to squeeze in any more writing time. OLUS is all-consuming right now...until Nano and BtFR take over.

Day 24 - Do you give your MCs middle names? Not on purpose. The Bot'ha Clan gives their children three names. The middle name is actually the family name and they are called by their first two names. The last name is reserved for only those they're extremely close to.

Day 25 - How much do your hero's shoes cost? This is such a funny question, but I could see how it would help someone writing modern stories. In my case, Kai doesn't spend any money he doesn't have to and shoes fall into the 'don't have to' category. If he has any shoes at all, they are cast-offs and didn't cost him anything.

Day 29 - Are you participating in Nanowrimo? - That's a YES.

Day 30 - Did you crush your October goals? - That would be kinda iffy. I think I dented them pretty well.

Day 31 - Trick or treat? - I prefer treats, thanks! (No photo for this one. :( The weather turned ugly.)

And now for the slideshow...


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