The Nano WIP Tag Challenge & Writer's Life
By the time you read this, Nano will be under way. But, I follow a few author-tubers, as you may know, and one of them is Bethany Atazadeh. If you're an author, you should check out her page. She offers some great advice and is always cheery. She shared her responses to the #NaNoWIPTag and tagged a few other writers. Then she invited any viewer to join in. I thought it'd be fun so read on to check out my video response.
I now have a dedicated author email which I will be slowly integrating into my life. One of my goals for December is to transfer my writing videos over to a separate YouTube account so I can keep them apart from my storm spotting videos (though there aren't many of those). If you're excited about that, stay tuned for updates on that status.
10/8/2018 -
Important Update
Some further health issues have come up. I'm not sure what that will mean for my ability to post in the near future. So rather than sharing all my weekend posts today, I'm going to space them out over the next week. Depending on how soon I'm up and running again, there may be a break in my posts. On a more positive note, I participated in Self-Publishing Advice Conference this past weekend. I learned some pretty awesome things and can't wait to implement them. If you haven't checked out the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) yet and you are a self-publishing indie author, you should really do that. It doesn't cost anything to read their blog posts and participate in the online conferences they host each year. That alone makes it worth your while in my opinion.
10/11/2018 -
Apparently, I have a dodgy gall bladder. If you're reading this, then I'm still recuperating and wishing I was all better. I know I promised you a funny meme, but how about this?
The above picture is how my brain feels sometimes on a "normal" day. (What is normal, anyway? I have yet to figure that out.) I imagine that'll kick up a notch when I remember how much I'm /not/ getting done. But the gif below is probably what my recuperation looks like. OK, not exactly but...
And here is the funny meme I promised. It's kinda appropriate in a very strange sort of way, though it's not exactly what's going on with me. My husband loves this dog. :D
10/12/2018 -
I guess we should all get used to expecting the unexpected. I'm alright for now. Yea! But I will have to take a break soon. I'm going to attempt some blog planning. I've had a free blog planner in my arsenal for several years now and just never needed it as much as I need it now. We'll see how it goes.
The Face of Ripples
I'm not really an excitable person by nature. If you threw me a surprise party, the most you'd get out of me would be a slight jump and a crooked grin. And silly moments are also equally rare, though I do enjoy them. My daughter took a photo of me being silly and hugging my book, but then her phone glitched. :/ Oh, well. This will have to suffice!
There's a bit of a hitch with the paperback, mainly my fault, but the hard back copies are going to be available on time. Woot! (Click the photo below to shop for your copy of Ripples at the eBook retailer of your choice!)
There's a bit of a hitch with the paperback, mainly my fault, but the hard back copies are going to be available on time. Woot! (Click the photo below to shop for your copy of Ripples at the eBook retailer of your choice!)
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