Mysterious Mayhem

Something strange has been going on with Weebly lately. I haven't been able to post photos or slide shows since I added the slideshow for introducing the D'Koruyin Clan. I'm not sure what's going on but for now, those introductions are on hold. And as I'm getting ready to tie off all my loose threads and publish Ripples, I'm going to take a break from blogging. I may periodically post a short message like this one to keep you updated, but there won't be regular posts. I'll be posting notes on my facebook author page if you'd like to read about the clans there. Just click the highlighted portions to go check it out. If you do, please be sure to like my page or follow it so you can stay updated with what I'm doing at facebook. And I'm hoping to create some short slide shows to upload to YouTube. As long as I can link to YouTube videos, I'll be able to share my inspiration photos with you. But it's 'do-or-die' time now and if I don't get through this final edit, the book won't be out on time. Yikes!

I hope you'll stick with me. I'm going to have to take a short haitus. It's a scary thing to think your followers won't come back because you didn't have a Shadow Clone Jutsu you could rely on when tasks are insurmountable. Thanks and much love to those who stick around!


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