It's Happening Y'all! Big News About Ripples!

My first ebook, Ripples, goes on sale in October as planned and will be available in a lot of places - Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo, and Tolino so far, with more pending. There might be a few technical issues with Amazon but I'm doing all I can to get those ironed out.

Excitement and Fear Go Hand In Hand?

It's so exciting to be able to say, "I'm a published author." I can hold my head high and know that it's not all for nothing. I can know I'm not wasting my time. I can relish the feeling of hard work paying off and bask for a moment in the afterglow. Stay tuned on Monday for more information about how you can pre-order and read immediately when the ebook becomes available.

If you are among those who purchase a copy of my work, thank you so much! I'm so happy you've chosen to support indie authors like me.

Also, I edited it myself. Low income is no fun when you're trying to do something the right way. :/ I know I didn't catch every typo and style deviation. If you spot one or more, feel free to send them to me. Believe me when I say I'll appreciate it. Just write the whole sentence and note the chapter and paragraph it's in to help me locate it. Because my book is print-on-demand, I believe I can make changes more easily. This is all still a learning process for me.


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