Introducing the Clans - Part 4: Ikhel'dur
Ahhh! It's so good to be back up and running again. I hope it stays that way for a while.
I'm continuing with my Meet The Clans series. I haven’t written much about this clan yet. So their information isn’t as complete as some of the other clans. I hope you’ll enjoy what I can share with you today.
The Ikhel'dur Clan
- Name: Ikhel’dur
- Pronunciation: IKH hell door - The ‘kh’ is breathy and the ‘r’ is slightly rolled.
- How They Interpret Their Name: Guardians of the Waters
- Clan Color: red
- Clan Symbol: Curling Waves
- Location on the Map: All the islands of Y’Dahnndrya are their domain.
- Terrain Type: Various island terrains, some more rocky than others, some volcanic islands
- Language: Their general clan language is Keldu (KELL doo), but each island has its own language as well.
- Naming: The islanders have a single public name and a private name they share only with those closest to them. The public names consist of five letters, but are sometimes shortened to nicknames.
- Type of Government: Each island is self-governing. If they ever meet for a conference, the leaders of each island represent their people.
- Current Person In Charge: There are too many to list here. At least one person represents each island.
- Capital: One might say Mapi’i Island (mah PEE EE) is the capital, but honestly, it’s just the biggest island of Ikhel’dur where international trade days occur. It’s the only island barred to out-clanners on any other day besides an official trade day.
- General Conduct: Of all the clans, the Ikhel’dur are the most easy-going. They take joy in being unique individuals and encourage visitors to their islands to do the same. As a result, many who are cast out from their clans end up in Ikhel’dur. They are straight-forward and sometimes come across as flirty. They love to smile and are not afraid to welcome each other with a hug. They are polite and courteous and try to treat everyone with equal openness. When pressed, really pressed, they will fight. Because they hate it so much, they train to be quick and precise so battles don’t last any longer than they must.
- Tolerance Level: They are the most tolerant of all the clans, welcoming those outcast from other clans. When welcoming newcomers or out-clanners, they are not so demonstrative as they are with their own people. But if given any kind of encouragement, an Ikhel’dur native will pass around hugs all day.
- Religion: They are mono-theistic, worshiping the single creator deity who they call Kwikrei’ya (kwee KRAY yah), meaning ‘One Who Creates’
- Shrine and Current Guardian: The shrine of the Ikhel’dur is Yacan Island. This is a little different than the other shrines but I won’t say too much here. I don’t want to spoil it for you. Serafin is the guardian of Yacan.
- Housing: Some live in caves, some in grass and leaf huts, some in fiber-cloth tents. It just depends on what their terrain offers.
- Clothing Style: Leaves, flowers, grasses, and fibers go into making their clothing. They are similar to the M’Neshunnayans in that it wouldn’t be unusual to see them in skimpy clothing, depending on the climate of their island.
- Special Food and Drink: I haven’t touched on this topic much yet. I’ll leave it to your imagination for now.
- Exports: They are fishers, sailors, basket-weavers, and jewelry artisans. They export exotic fruits, as well, and some of the fiber-cloth they weave.
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