Writer's Life: Time For a Break

My husband was in the Air Force for 20 years and during that time, we made some lasting friendships. We had the honor of attending the retirement ceremony of one of the most dear families I know. When you think of the word 'minister' or 'ministry', this family's name should appear in the dictionary definition. We have been blessed with their friendship since the time we met and I didn't always realize it. For that, I am truly sorry. And thankfully, they are loving and forgiving.

So while we were in Texas, we visited with them for two and half days. Then we drove from Abilene down to San Angelo to our last duty station and the one where we met the family mentioned above. We got to see some of our SCA family, which was a nifty bonus.

On The Writing Front...

I didn't think printing out my manuscript to edit it could be so very helpful as it's turned out to be. I'm blown away by how fast I'm able to get the work done compared to editing the digital copy. The trick is to be away from interruptions. That's hard to do at our house. So I'm about half-way through section one of Ripples. I'll finish that section up today and by the end of the week (barring accidents), I should have finished the final edit on the book. I'm so excited to be able to say that! Also, you can look forward to next month's newsletter when I'll introduce you to the main characters of Ripples and the Clans they belong to. Until next time, y'all can enjoy this photo of some beautiful country. It's what I envision when I think of the D'Koruyin Clan, at least the more southern part of their territory.


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