Cartography, AKA Mapmaking

8/10/2018 - Good news! The black and white version of my world map is done. Now I can start the process of getting a book trailer together. The sooner the better, I think! I'll share the finished version in next month's newsletter so be sure to sign up if you'd like to see it before the book comes out. :)

8/13/2018 - I'm so excited! The world map of Y'Dahnndrya is almost complete and I can't wait to share it with you. I'd love some feedback on how it looks. My main concern is whether the names are too pale. If so, I can darken them. Other than that, I'm pretty confident that this is the one I'll use as my marker for keeping track of quests throughout the collection of tales. Want to see it?

I am so pleased with how my world map turned out! I know it shows up small here, but I can read it well enough to know it'll translate to poster size. That's what I'd eventually like to do -- create a color version to offer as a poster. This will be my base map and I'll add to it as necessary for each successive addition to the Tales of Y'Dahnndrya. Ripples will only show the continent of Sheromoth and the islands of Yacan and Mapi'i.


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